Profane Hearing Sparks Creative Coverage

One of the side stories to come out of the Senate committee hearings Tuesday involving Goldman Sachs was the profane-laden e-mails between corporate executives that were revealed.

Several news outlets made a point of quoting Sen. Carl Levin, D-Mich., as he repeated the comments found in the e-mails.

“Levin vigorously pressed about an e-mail between Goldman executives describing one product called Timberwolf as 'one s

y deal,'' The Washington Post reported. "'Your top priority is to sell that s

y deal,' Levin said. 'Should Goldman Sachs be trying to sell a s

y deal?'"

Different news outlets handled the profanity in different ways. But the New York Post used the opportunity for a classic headline, declaring today: “Sachs of S#!T”

Meanwhile, Jon Stewart's Daily Show had its usual smart take on the situation below: