RW blogger Ace of Spades can't read too good

Or, more sterling media criticism from the right-wing blogoshere.

Yesterday, I noted that ABC News' Rick Klein wrote up a piece about how Democrats were “grumbling” that Obama had made comments about the proposed Islamic Center in downtown NYC, and that Democrats considered the comments to be a “distraction.” I highlighted the piece because it was odd that ABC News made those claims without quoting a single Democrat, on or off the record. ABC News just knew.

My point wasn't that no Dems had criticized Obama. It was that if ABC News is going to make the claim, than it ought to practice journalism and produce the quotes.

But fact-free blogger Ace of Spades called me names, fantasized about George Soros, and claimed I got it all wrong:

But as stupid as that all is, if he'd been following this story at all, instead of dodging it as thoughtcrime, then he would have found that Democrats have in fact complained of Obama's decision, by name, and on the record.

And yes, Ace linked to a Politico article.

Follow? I specifically criticized ABC News for not quoting any Democrats in its piece. So Ace calls me names because he found an article from a different news org that did quote Democrats.

Too dumb for words Ace. But at least you're consistent.