White House Chronicle: Non-Tradition on Sunday

Had enough of the traditional Sunday talk show formats seen on Meet the Press, This Week, Face The Nation and Fox News Sunday? Try PBS's White House Chronicle.

Politico gives a look at this non-traditional program and its host, Llewellyn King, describing it as “neither a ratings juggernaut like its competitors nor a destination for Washington A-listers. Then again, it's clearly not trying to. Unlike David Gregory and his kin, King--who was born and raised in Southern Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe)--delivers his commentaries with as much British pomp and circumstance as he can possibly muster. He's also prone to go off on winding, entertaining tangents, such as when he lamented that Washingtonians don't mix amongst each other as much as Londoners, and to get a bit carried away, such as when he once forced a metaphor by lighting bourbon on fire.”

See a sample below: