White House Travel Office: Press Travel Costs Drop

News outlets that accompany the president spent 35% less on travel in 2009 than in 2008, according to a White House travel office memo sent to reporters Thursday, which claims the decrease came about during an increase in the number of journalists traveling with the president.

“2009 resulted in a 35% reduction in annual press travel expenditures (from $17.8m in 2008 to $11.6m in 2009), including a 21% reduction in ground costs and a 48% reduction in telecommunications fees, despite a 42% increase in journalists traveling with the Obama Administration. Air Expenses eased in 2009 partially as a result of significantly lower costs of oil and a greater supply of aircraft availability,” the memo from Travel Office Director Peter Newell stated.

“Ground Expenses include buses, workspace, power, and catering. Telecommunications fees refer to wireless internet in work areas, press pool holds, and event sites. A spirit of negotiation, frugality, and common sense helped identify significant cost reductions.”

The entire memo is below:


To: White House Correspondents Association, Broadcast TV/Wire/Radio Bureau Chiefs

From: Peter Newell

Cc: Robert Gibbs

Date: August 12, 2010

Re: 2009 White House Press Corps Cost Savings

Attached to this email is a spreadsheet comparing White House Press Corps expenses in 2008 vs. 2009. The White House Press and Travel Offices continue to explore new ways to reduce expenses for news organizations traveling with President Obama, and the analysis (see all 3 tabs along bottom of document) attempts to illustrate some areas of progress.

2009 resulted in a 35% reduction in annual press travel expenditures (from $17.8m in 2008 to $11.6m in 2009), including a 21% reduction in ground costs and a 48% reduction in telecommunications fees, despite a 42% increase in journalists traveling with the Obama Administration. Air Expenses eased in 2009 partially as a result of significantly lower costs of oil and a greater supply of aircraft availability.

Ground Expenses include buses, workspace, power, and catering. Telecommunications fees refer to wireless internet in work areas, press pool holds, and event sites. A spirit of negotiation, frugality, and common sense helped identify significant cost reductions.

The Travel Office has also offered more transparency with budgets and invoices now itemize expenses. Additionally, we have amended billing policies to maintain a system that tries to be fair and reasonable for every media outlet that wants to travel with the White House.

Thank you for your attention to this matter and do not hesitate to contact the White House Travel Office ... or PressCorpsTravel.com with further questions or concerns.