Why is the GOP Noise Machine embarrassed by what it's created?

Namely, it's created a conservative movement in which large chunks of followers think the President of the United States hates white people, is a socialist, and had the election “stolen” for him by ACORN. Folks who also want the president to be impeached, and their home state to secede from the union.

Those were the results from this week's Daily Kos/Research 2000 poll which surveyed only self-identified Republicans, and yes, there's been a fair amount of conservative teeth-gnashing over the fringe-centric results. But I'm not sure why, because if you're a Republican and watch Fox News and then listen to AM talk radio for six, or nine or twelve hours each week, those are the messages being broadcast pretty much 24/7.

So why are people now surprised that self-identified Republicans espouse those radical, loony beliefs when the GOP Noise Machine has been mainstreaming them for the last 13 months?

UPDATED: Adds Markos at Daily Kos:

[Conservatives have] spent the last year talking about Obama being a secret socialist who wants to kill grandmother, who wasn't born in the United States, who is making common cause with the terrorists because he wants to destroy America.

You'd think O'Reilly and the rest of the wingnuts would be ecstatic, that their message is getting through to them! But when a poll confirms that the Fox News message has gotten through, they're angry?

UPDATED: One explanation for the conservative media's reaction to the polling results is that millionaire hosts at Fox News and on AM radio are shocked people actually believe what they've been saying. Perhaps the RW media's position is that the non-stop Obama hating is really just a game. It's entertainment. And surely, viewers and listeners are in on the joke.
