Will Media Give Unauthorized Oprah Bio a Plug?

It will be interesting to see who does and does not book controversial author Kitty Kelley to promote her new unauthorized biography of Oprah Winfrey.

Slate today looks at the issue, noting “Kitty Kelley is famous for her controversial biographies of various celebrities, among them Frank Sinatra, George Bush, and Elizabeth Taylor. Now the prolific biographer has penned an unauthorized book on Oprah Winfrey, and Random House, expecting huge reader interest, ordered up a first printing of more than half a million copies. Naturally, Winfrey wouldn't grant Kelley an interview for the book; the talk show host and media mogul is famous for her privacy. Without an interview with her subject, Kelley turned to everyone else: She spoke to more than 800 people, including Vernon Winfrey, who raised Winfrey in Tennessee.”

The item added that, so far, Barbara Walters, Charlie Rose, Larry King, and David Letterman all refused to interview Kelley about the book for their shows. Let's see who follows.