LA Times blogger Andrew Malcolm can now read minds!

What can't the Obama-hating blogger do? I mean, he once flaked for Laura Bush. These days he types up misleading gotcha's in hopes of landing Drudge links. (Hey, it's a living.) And now he can even read minds.

From Malcolm [emphasis added]:

This Joe Sestak/Obama White House job mess does have legs. The public and the media are not buying the White House's self-cleansing, self-serving explanation that everything was appropriate, just move along.

What proof does Malcolm provide that the he public even knows about the very inside Betlway Sestak/Obama story? None. Proof the public isn't buying the WH's Sestak explanation? None.

But see, that's the beauty of being a mind reader. Malcolm doesn't need to actually back up his claims with bothersome facts. (Polling data are for suckers.) Malcolm just knows the public isn't buying what the WH is selling. He can feel it in his bones. And yes, that makes writing so much easier for him.

I'm sure the LA Times must be very proud of its mind-reading blogger.

UPDATED: Apparently PA. voters are buying the explanation: Sestak just moved ahead of his GOP opponent in the latest poll.