Lou Dobbs calls whistleblower protection “Orwellian”
Dobbs: “It's stunning to think how many of us actually know who the whistleblower is”
From the January 30, 2020, edition of Fox Business' Lou Dobbs Tonight
LOU DOBBS: (HOST): Chief Justice John Roberts presiding over it all today refused to read a question submitted from Sen. Rand Paul about the relationship between two men, one on the House intel committee staff, another at the National Security Council, and here is how the chief justice responded.
This is where we are in the 20th year of the 21st century, when it feels like we're in the 84th year of the 20th century.
You know, 1984, the Orwellian protection of the so-called whistleblower by the radical Dems, the national left-wing media, and the establishment, wherever you find it.
It is stunning to think how many of us actually know who the whistleblower is and who his associates are and how they conspired and worked to effect what we have been watching unwind over the course of the past six months.
Quite a time, but we won't say a word about who they are. It just isn't done.