Lou Dobbs: Democrats “are more aligned with Iranian interests than those of the United States”
Dobbs: Democrats have chosen “to defend evil and criticize President Trump's decision to destroy evil”
From the January 6, 2020, edition of Fox Business' Lou Dobbs Tonight
LOU DOBBS (HOST): As President Trump carries out his responsibilities to protect and defend America, statements by many of the radical Dems suggest they are more aligned with Iranian interests than those of the United States.
Rather than stand with President Trump in his defense of the nation, House Speaker Pelosi means to curtail his ability to stop Iranian attacks on America.
Pelosi is planning a vote this week on a resolution that would limit the president's ability to target our enemies in Iran, and Speaker Pelosi also had the temerity to absurdly call the killing of [Maj. Gen. Qassem] Soleimani provocative and disproportionate. She didn't mention Soleimani's responsibility in the deaths and wounding of thousands of Americans.
Many of her radical left friends and colleagues on Capitol Hill parroted her outrageous support of a dead Iranian terrorist and her attack on President Trump.
Clearly Pelosi and the Dems, without hesitation, chose to defend evil and criticize President Trump's decision to destroy evil.