Lou Dobbs to Headline National Tea Party Convention

Well it appears those who wanted Lou Dobbs off of CNN because of his political slant were right. The former CNN anchor is set to headline the National Tea Party Convention in Las Vegas in July, according to the party's website.

Here is the announcement below:

NASHVILLE, Tennessee (May 14, 2010) - The National Tea Party Convention, today, announced that award winning journalist, TV and radio personality, Lou Dobbs, will join the convention delegates and share his vast insights and perspectives as a keynote speaker. Bringing his political and financial knowledge and commentary to bear, Lou Dobbs will offer the delegates a direct and reasoned defense of American exceptionalism while dealing with issues of trade, jobs, politics and the challenges facing America in the 21st century.

Lou Dobbs stated, " I have had two great experiences with the Tea Party movement, in New Orleans and in New York at the TeaParty365 Tax Day Tea Party. The crowds were large, boisterous and most importantly, made up of hard working Americans who want to take their country back. I am incredibly excited about the opportunity to address the Tea Party in Las Vegas and want to thank Tea Party Nation and the National Tea Party Federation for coming together and putting on this convention."

Lou Dobbs brings a true independent voice to Talk Radio, occupying the vital middle ground between the conservative and liberal voices that dominate much of the segment today. Lou anchors 3 nationally syndicated radio programs. The Lou Dobbs show, the Lou Dobbs financial reports and The Lou Dobbs encore weekend edition. It's been a year of first's for Lou “ON THE RADIO” starting with one of Lou's most impressive radio achievements by getting fifty signed radio stations to air his program in the first fifty days on the air, a first in radio syndication history! Dobbs was voted to the top ten list of the Most Important radio talk show host's in America by Talkers magazine (2009).

Judson Philips, Founder and President of Tea Party Nation said, “Lou Dobbs is an electrifying personality who says what's on his mind and backs it up with his knowledge and experience throughout his journalistic career. He is hard hitting and will bring a unique perspective to the convention that will hold people's attention while also challenging their thinking.”

Lou Dobbs is the Independent voice in today's largely liberal mainstream media coverage. And his Independent message is hitting the hearts of Americans everywhere. As a former CNN anchor, award-winning journalist, best-selling author and America's leading voice of reason, Lou Dobbs packs a powerful punch. His views influence our leaders, his viewers, and his readers. Lou now brings his point of view to the radio airwaves in a daily, 3-hour program. Lou examines the issues, evokes passion and entertains the audience like no other broadcaster.