Lou Dobbs reports Bill Barr's resignation and immediately calls for investigations into the Biden family, the election and “Obamagate”

Tom Fitton: “We need a special counsel on Biden, we need a special counsel on the election, and we need a special prosecutor on Obamagate”


From the December 14, 2020, edition of Fox Business' Lou Dobbs Tonight

LOU DOBSS (HOST): Well, with that uplifting conclusion I have to say, Tom, you want a special counsel to find out about the fraud on this election? 

TOM FITTON (GUEST): We need a special counsel on Biden, we need a special counsel on the election, and we need a special prosecutor on Obamagate because Durham isn't capable of doing whatever he's been asked to do.

DOBBS: I support everything that Tom Fitton just said about special prosecutors and special counsel. Please, please, somebody, come to your senses over there at the Justice Department. Thanks, Tom, appreciate it.