Lou Dobbs Tonight has been canceled at Fox Business. Lou Dobbs had joined Fox after his birtherism led to him being forced out at CNN, became known at Fox for his over-the-top pro-Trump propaganda. Former President Donald Trump frequently tweeted about and made decisions based on Dobbs' program. The news about his departure comes only a day after Dobbs and Fox News was named in a nearly 2.7 billion dollar lawsuit filed by voting technology company Smartmatic; there are indications that a similar suit from Dominion Voting Systems is forthcoming. The sudden schism is the culmination of an erratic, conspiratorial, and very bigoted career that became increasingly deranged throughout the Trump era. Here are some of the moments that defined what Dobbs' show had become during the Trump era.
Lou Dobbs Tonight was just canceled. It won’t be missed.
Here are some of the defining moments of Lou Dobbs' Fox Business show during the Trump era
Written by Brendan Karet & Nikki McCann Ramirez
Lou Dobbs defended insurrectionists at the U.S. Capitol: They “were walking between the rope lines” [MMFA, 1/6/21]
Lou Dobbs told Sidney Powell that “we will gladly put forward your evidence” that the 2020 election “was a cyber Pearl Harbor” [MMFA, 12/10/20]
Lou Dobbs suggested Republicans should just say “we're not going to accept the results of this election” [Twitter, 11/13/20]
The day after the 2020 election, Lou Dobbs demanded that Republicans “surround” Philadelphia and exert a “demanding presence” [MMFA, 11/4/21]
Lou Dobbs suggested that China is shipping fake IDs into the United States so that people can fraudulently vote [Twitter, 10/30/20]
Lou Dobbs suggests China is shipping fake IDs into the US so people can fraudulently vote pic.twitter.com/McJovZxQVN
— Jason Campbell (@JasonSCampbell) October 30, 2020
Lou Dobbs: Elected Democrats are “quite simply, the enemies of the people” [MMFA, 10/27/20]
Lou Dobbs attacked Joe Biden for saying he won’t debate Trump if he’s contagious with COVID [MMFA, 10/7/20]
Lou Dobbs warned of a possible “civil war in this country,” suggesting that Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT) could be responsible for it [Twitter, 9/21/20]
Lou Dobbs said that the country may need to re-do the presidential election if mail-in voting is allowed [MMFA, 8/24/20]
Dobbs claimed that the arrest of Steve Bannon aboard his patron's yacht by Postal Service agents was a “deep state” plot [MMFA, 8/20/20]
Dobbs attacked health experts for not praising Donald Trump’s “leadership” [MMFA, 4/1/20]
Lou Dobbs: “The president was right and frankly Fauci was wrong” about hydroxychloroquine [MMFA, 3/23/20]
Dobbs ran a Twitter poll asking if Trump’s pandemic response was “SUPERB,” “GREAT,” or simply “VERY GOOD” [Twitter, 3/18/20]

Lou Dobbs warned that there “will not be a quiet surrender” if election results aren't overturned [MMFA, 12/2/20]
Lou Dobbs and Rudy Giuliani claimed that Black Democrats “love their people less” than they hate Trump [MMFA, 2/5/20]
From the February 5, 2020 edition of Fox Business' Lou Dobbs Tonight:
LOU DOBBS (HOST): President Trump as a candidate promised the American people that all Americans would participate as he restored prosperity and he has done it.
RUDY GIULIANI: And how about this picture? He points out that African-American employment is the highest ever, and the Democrats who are African-American aren't applauding for that.
DOBBS: Yeah.
GIULIANI: Like that's not good because a Republican did it. We'd rather -- we'd rather have the unemployment, and not have Trump around.
DOBBS: Do you doubt it for a minute?
GIULIANI: No, it's because they hate Trump so much, and they love their country less, and they love their people less.
Dobbs was upset after being told by “management” that he can’t show a Trump campaign rally instead of doing his show [MMFA, 1/28/20]
Dobbs compared Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) to Benedict Arnold for criticizing the Trump administration’s military briefing on Iran [MMFA, 1/8/20]
Lou Dobbs: “It will be century after century of veneration for this president” [MMFA, 12/20/19]
Lou Dobbs: Democrats “are waging war on everything American, our Constitution, our president, the American people” [MMFA, 12/19/19]
Dobbs praised Trump for thanking Dobbs at a rally [Twitter, 11/5/19]
Lou Dobbs claimed that Donald Trump never talks about himself [MMFA, 10/28/19]
Lou Dobbs said that Democrats are trying to “destroy” Trump because of their “hatred of American values, and our heritage” [MMFA, 10/18/19]
Lou Dobbs: “I said we can claim” victory over ISIS and Al Qaeda, “I didn't say it was true” [MMFA, 10/9/19]
Dobbs claimed that Trump makes great weekends “possible for us all.” [Twitter, 9/13/19]
Lou Dobbs attacked journalists for not reporting on how much fun is being had inside the White House: “The joint is hopping” [MMFA, 9/12/19]
Lou Dobbs: George Soros' “tentacles reach out" in order to “work against sovereignty” [MMFA, 9/11/19]
Lou Dobbs said that special counsel Robert Mueller was part of a plot to help Democrats “steal” the 2018 midterms [MMFA, 5/29/19]
Lou Dobbs: The southern border is a “battlefield” and the military needs more guns there for when they get “a shot” [MMFA, 4/24/19]
Lou Dobbs calls for the jailing of Americans who investigated Russia's hacking of Democrats [MMFA, 4/18/19]
Lou Dobbs on Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN): “Who is she representing? Because it isn't America” [MMFA, 4/17/19]
Lou Dobbs praises ICE employee for driving his car into a group of protesters [MMFA, 8/15/19]
From the August 15 edition of Fox Business News' Lou Dobbs Tonight:
LOU DOBBS (HOST): I know that it must just gladden your heart to see a bunch of demonstrators at an Immigration Customs Enforcement facility blocking the path of a guard and then complaining about the fact that he sought to do what is within his rights, which is to proceed to park his vehicle and go to work.
TOM HOMAN (GUEST): Well exactly. First of all, a lot of protesters nationwide have shown up to ICE facilities, it makes you wonder if they even got a job. Besides this, they got to understand, ICE employees, especially our contractors that run our facilities for us, they're on edge Lou. And I don't know what happened in this incident but our employees are on edge. We've had someone shoot at an ICE office yesterday in San Antonio, barely missing, by inches, an employee, murdering one of our employees. I showed a video today on my Fox -- I did a Fox op-ed today and I released a video today from a one of our facilities in Tacoma, Washington, where the man shot up the building then he tried to blow it up with propane tanks and catch the building on fire - which would kill 1300 people in that building, many were locked up. Hundreds of immigrants would have perished in that if he would've been successful. Thank god Tacoma PD were able to take him out quickly. ICE employees are on edge. They're under attack. And our contractors are under attack.
Lou Dobbs asks if it's “time for the Trump administration to outright defy the activist” Supreme Court over census ruling [MMFA, 6/27/19]
Lou Dobbs endorsed Kris Kobach's proposal to put asylum seekers in a “camp” [MMFA, 4/2/19]
Lou Dobbs warns that immigration could “consign tens of thousands, perhaps millions of Americans to their deaths” [MMFA, 3/29/19]
Lou Dobbs called on Attorney General Barr to investigate Chief Justice of the Supreme Court John Roberts [MMFA, 2/14/19]
Lou Dobbs: Democrats “would love to carry out an actual coup d'état” [MMFA, 2/13/19]
Lou Dobbs calls for war with China, compares hacking and IP theft to Pearl Harbor [MMFA, 12/20/18]
Lou Dobbs calls climate change a United Nations plot “to take over the world” [MMFA, 12/4/18]
Lou Dobbs: Robert Mueller “is trying to kill” Donald Trump [MMFA, 12/4/18]
Lou Dobbs suggests with no evidence that sweeping Democratic victories in 2018 were due to migrants who voted illegally [MMFA, 11/5/18]
Lou Dobbs claimed that birthright citizenship led to an “explosion” of welfare in the 1960's [MMFA, 11/1/18]
Lou Dobbs: Law enforcement agencies investigating bombs are “not doing things the American way” [MMFA, 10/25/18]
Lou Dobbs and Tom Fitton claimed that “radical Islamist terrorists” are part of the migrant caravan [MMFA, 10/22/18]
Lou Dobbs: Hurricane Maria death toll is a “farce” and “an amazing tortured inflation” [MMFA, 9/13/18]
Lou Dobbs: “It's a disgrace” that anyone argues police brutality is an issue [MMFA, 9/4/18]
Dobbs defended Infowars and Alex Jones [MMFA, 7/27/18]
Lou Dobbs credits Trump presidency with increase in Christmas displays and holiday joy [MMFA, 12/15/17]
Lou Dobbs: “U.S. Marshals should follow” Obama and bring him back when he criticizes Trump while abroad [MMFA, 12/1/17]
Lou Dobbs: Barack Obama “unleashed” Bangladeshi immigrants into the United States [MMFA, 12/11/17]
Lou Dobbs: “The left in this country is trying to kill America” [MMFA, 6/15/17]
Lou Dobbs: “The secular left” and “national left-wing media” are a “threat to domestic order” [MMFA, 6/14/17]
Lou Dobbs said that there is “a partisan shroud” around the family of slain DNC staffer Seth Rich [MMFA, 5/16/17]
Dobbs claimed Trump is a victim of a “Mormon Mafia” [MMFA, 10/27/16]