Lou Dobbs wants a special counsel appointed to investigate Joe Biden
Dobbs: “There is a small, petty insignificant particle of pettiness in me that would like to see the delicious moment at which the president sics a special counsel on someone someone else”
From the March 2, 2020, edition of Fox Business' Lou Dobbs Tonight:
LOU DOBBS (HOST): Let me turn to Lindsey Graham congratulating Joe and Jill Biden on their South Carolina victory, and he's still -- still has not done anything about investigating the Bidens and Burisma, the entire Ukrainian quagmire. Why not?
TOM FITTON: I think the president should appoint a special counsel, independent, the Justice Department, the FBI and, frankly, Congress, and order full transparency by his agencies so the American people can see the information, as opposed to relying on the hapless Congress or, in many ways, the co-conspirators in Congress with the deep state to find out the truth. They're usually involved either in covering it up, or they're uninterested in finding it, or they really don't know what to do.
DOBBS: Well, Tom, I have to say I -- I support your idea of a special counsel because of -- I share, as you know, Judicial Watch's commitment to the public's right to know. But I also have to admit that there is a small, petty insignificant particle of pettiness in me that would like to see the delicious moment at which the president sics a special counsel on someone else. It would be somewhat ironic justice, if you will.