Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, and Lou Dobbs have used their radio and television shows to incite hatred and push wild conspiracy theories, leading several of Beck's advertisers to reportedly pull out of his broadcasts. Many advertisers have nonetheless sponsored these hosts' hate speech in recent weeks, including major corporations and organizations that, in 2006, reportedly requested that ABC Radio Networks not air their advertisements during any Air America programs.
UPDATED: Despite Air America “blackout,” companies support Beck, Dobbs, and Limbaugh
Written by Jeremy Schulman
In 2006, companies reportedly requested their ads not run during Air America content
ABC memo: Corporations and organizations “request” that “NONE of their commercials air within AIR AMERICA programming.” In October 2006, Media Matters for America obtained an internal ABC Radio Networks memo listing nearly 100 ABC advertisers that reportedly requested that “NONE of their commercials air within AIR AMERICA programming.” (Some of those companies later said they were included on ABC's “blackout” list by mistake.) ABC subsequently provided a statement to Media Matters, which read: “It is not uncommon for advertisers and/or agencies to request that their ads run or not run in specific programming environments or dayparts. ABC Radio Networks does not solicit nor encourage these requests from advertisers. If a request is made by an advertiser/and [sic] or agency we make our best effort to comply.”
Air America “blackout” in sharp contrast to “commercial success of right-wing talk radio.” The New York Times reported at the time that “the advertisers' avoidance of Air America's liberal programming seems pointed when contrasted with the commercial success of right-wing talk radio programs like those of Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity.” [New York Times, 11/6/06]
Advertisers on Air America “blackout” list have recently sponsored Beck, Dobbs, Limbaugh broadcasts
Despite their appearance on ABC's Air America “blackout” list in 2006, a number of those same advertisers have recently run ads during broadcasts of one or more of the following: Limbaugh's radio show, Beck's Fox News show, Beck's radio show, Dobbs' CNN show, and Dobbs' radio show. These advertisers include:
UPDATE (8/12): Since posting this item, Media Matters has identified and added to the item additional companies and organizations that appeared on the Air America “blackout” list but have nonetheless recently advertised on Dobbs' radio show. They are: Frito-Lay, Office Depot, Visa, the American Heart Association, and the U.S. Navy.
Show |
Advertiser |
Beck Radio |
General Electric |
Farmers Insurance |
Office Depot |
Beck TV |
Farmers Insurance (see update below) |
General Electric |
Nestle (Gerber) |
Red Lobster* |
State Farm (see update below) |
Travelocity** (see update below) |
U.S. Postal Service |
Wal-Mart (see update below) |
Wyeth |
Dobbs Radio |
Bayer |
Chattem (Gold Bond) |
Wyeth |
Frito-Lay | |
Office Depot | |
Visa | |
American Heart Association | |
U.S. Navy | |
Dobbs TV |
Allstate*** |
Bayer |
U.S. Postal Service |
Wal-Mart |
Limbaugh |
Home Depot |
JC Penney |
Office Depot |
* Red Lobster reportedly later said that it “has made no decision to not advertise on Air America Radio” and that its “current [2006] marketing does not include any radio advertising.”
** Travelocity reportedly said: “There was a simple misunderstanding. We did not intentionally pull our advertising from this program and Travelocity has been removed from that [Air America ”blackout"] list."
*** According to Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting, Allstate “said that [it was] on the [Air America ”blackout"] list by mistake."
Beck reportedly loses advertisers after calling Obama a “racist”
UPDATE (8/19/2009): Farmer's Insurance: “we ceased placing [ads] on Glenn Beck a week ago.” Since the item was last updated, Politico's Michael Calderone has reported that “a Farmers spokesperson confirms” “Farmers Insurance can be added” to the list of companies that “have agreed to pull advertisements from Glenn Beck's television show.” From Calderone's blog post:
Already, twenty companies have agreed to pull advertisements from Glenn Beck's television show, within weeks of the Fox host calling Obama “a racist” and saying the president “has a deep-seated hatred for white people or the white culture.”
Now, Farmers Insurance can be added to that list, a Farmers spokesperson confirms to POLITICO.
“We advertise on Fox News Channel which places our ads in the Network programming, and we ceased placing on Glenn Beck a week ago,” said the spokesperson.
Wal-Mart “pulled ads from the Glenn Beck show on August 3rd”; Travelocity “ha[s] now specifically asked that our ads do not appear during [Beck's] show.” Since the item was last updated, has issued a press release stating that Wal-Mart and Travelocity, among others, “have confirmed to that they pulled their ads from the controversial Fox News Channel broadcaster's eponymous show.” From the press release:
“Walmart [sic (in original)] today confirmed the retailer pulled ads from the Glenn Beck show on August 3rd,” said David Tovar, a spokesperson for Wal-Mart, in an email to
“We did not specifically place our ad on the show,” said Amanda Borichevsky, a spokesperson for Travelocity in an email to “We buy ads in bulk and then they are placed somewhat randomly. However, we have now specifically asked that our ads do not appear during this show.”
In addition, the following comment was posted after this item's initial publication:
I work for a public relations agency representing Travelocity.
To clarify, please note that Travelocity did not specifically place its advertisements on the Glenn Beck program. Simply put, Travelocity buys ads in bulk and then they are placed somewhat randomly.
However, as of Monday Travelocity specifically asked that its ads do not appear during this show.
Michael O'Connor Clarke
UPDATE: State Farm has “taken steps to make sure” it no longer advertises on Beck's show. After posting this item, Media Matters received the following statement from State Farm Insurance:
In response to inquiries concerning State Farm's recent advertisements in the Glenn Beck program, I want to clarify this situation.
We have a policy of not advertising on political or opinion programming. We have corrected this issue and have taken steps to make sure it does not happen again.
Understanding our millions of customers and thousands of associates hold a full spectrum of views on political issues, State Farm has a long-standing practice of not advertising in political discussion programming regardless of a program's political point of view.
Because of the recent situation, State Farm is now evaluating its commercial placement practices to ensure its political issues advertising guidelines are maintained.
Phil Supple
Public Affairs
State Farm Insurance
LexisNexis “suspended further advertising during Mr. Beck's program.” From a press release:
Three companies who run ads during Glenn Beck -- NexisLexis-owned, Procter & Gamble and Progressive Insurance -- today distanced themselves from Beck. LexisNexis has pulled its advertising from Beck and says it has no plans to advertise on the program in the future. Both Procter & Gamble and Progressive Insurance called the Beck advertising placements an error that they would correct.
The decision by the three companies comes as over 45,000 members call on advertisers to pull their ads from Glenn Beck after the controversial news host called President Obama a “racist” who “has a deep-seated hatred for white people” on “Fox & Friends” last week.
“Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention,” said John Michaels, Senior Communications Manager at LexisNexis in an email to “We have suspended further advertising during Mr. Beck's program.” [ release, 8/6/09]
“GEICO no longer runs any paid advertising spots during Mr. Beck's program.” From a subsequent release:
Adding to a growing list of advertisers distancing themselves from controversial Fox News personality Glenn Beck, GEICO has pledged to re-direct their advertisements away from Beck's program on the Fox News Channel. The decision by GEICO comes on the heels of announcements made last week that LexisNexis-owned, Procter & Gamble, Progressive Insurance and SC Johnson were distancing themselves from Beck after the news host called President Obama a “racist” who “has a deep-seated hatred for white people.”
“On Tuesday, August 4, GEICO instructed its ad buying service to redistribute its inventory of rotational spots on FOX-TV to their other network programs, exclusive of the Glenn Beck program,” said a spokesperson for GEICO Corporate Communications in an email to “As of August 4, GEICO no longer runs any paid advertising spots during Mr. Beck's program.” [ release, 8/10/09]
“Sargento ads won't be airing during” Beck's Fox show. From an email Sargento sent to Media Matters' Oliver Willis:
We deeply appreciate your reaching out to us and sharing your comments and concerns about Sargento ads appearing during “The Glenn Beck Show.” We sat down with the marketing department to talk about it and I learned that we buy time periods not specific programs. But in any event, they've made the decision to exclude that program from our future ad rotation. Simply stated, Sargento ads won't be airing during that show. Again, thanks for contacting us.
Glenn Beck's outrageous commentary
Advertisers on the Air America “blackout” list support Beck. Some of the advertisers that have recently run commercials during Beck's radio program and Fox News show also appeared on the Air America “blackout” list. For Beck's radio program, they include: Farmers Insurance, General Electric, and Office Depot. For Beck's Fox News show, the advertisers include: Farmers Insurance (see update above), General Electric, Nestle (Gerber), Red Lobster, State Farm Insurance (see update above), Travelocity (see update above), the U.S. Postal Service, Wal-Mart (see update above), and Wyeth.
Beck talks about “put[ting] poison” in Speaker Pelosi's wine. On his Fox News show, Beck gave a glass of wine to a person wearing a Pelosi mask, encouraged her to drink it, and then said: “By the way, I put poison in your -- no, I -- I look forward to all the policy discussions that we're supposed to have.” [Glenn Beck, 8/6/09]
Beck: Obama is a “racist” and “has a deep-seated hatred for white people, or the white culture.” Beck said: “This president, I think, has exposed himself as a guy -- over and over and over again -- who has a deep-seated hatred for white people, or the white culture -- I don't know what it is. But you can't sit in a pew with Jeremiah Wright for 20 years and not hear some of that stuff and not have it wash over.” He later added, “I'm not saying that he doesn't like white people. I'm saying he has a problem. He has a -- this guy is, I believe, a racist. Look at the way -- look at the things he has been surrounded by.” [Fox News' Fox & Friends, 7/28/09]
Beck: “Everything that is getting pushed through Congress, including this health care bill” is “driven by President Obama's thinking on ... reparations” and his desire to “settle old racial scores.” According to Beck, “Everything that is getting pushed through Congress, including this health care bill, are transforming America. And they are all driven by President Obama's thinking on one idea: reparations.” Beck later added that Obama's “goal is creating a new America, a new model, a model that will settle old racial scores through new social justice.” [Glenn Beck, 7/23/09]
Beck imitates Obama pouring gasoline on “average American”; says, “President Obama, why don't you just set us on fire?” From the April 9 edition of Fox News' Glenn Beck:
BECK: So what does Obama do, he says, boy, I'm not -- I'm just out of stuff to do. What else could I possibly do to the American people?
President Obama, why don't you just set us on fire? For the love of Pete, what are you doing? Do you not hear -- do you not hear the cries of people who are saying stop? We would like some sanity in our country for a second!
We didn't vote to lose the republic. We didn't vote for any of this stuff. We voted for change.
We can disagree with each other on policies, but Good Lord Almighty, man, please. Some of us don't agree with all of the policies. We'd like to have a country left in the end of four years. No need to set us on fire. [Glenn Beck, 4/9/09]
Beck: U.S. government under Bush and Obama moving us “into a system of fascism.” Beck said: “I am not saying that Barack Obama is a fascist. I am not saying the Democrats are a fascist. I'm saying the government under Bush and under Obama and under -- under all of the presidents that we've seen, or at least most of the presidents we've seen for quite some time, are slowly but surely moving us away from our republic and into a system of fascism.” [Glenn Beck, 4/1/09]
Beck calls Sotomayor a “racist” who “is not that bright” and “divisive.” Discussing then-Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor, Beck said, “I think the woman is a racist. ... I think the woman is not so bright. From what I have heard from people who have worked around her, worked with her ... she's not that bright, and she is a divisive individual.” [Premiere Radio Networks' The Glenn Beck Program, 5/28/09]
Beck on health care: “This system is going to come out the other side dictorial -- it's going to come out a fascist state.” Beck told a caller: “Let me tell you something, the end game ... for Congress and this president -- and I don't know how many members of Congress even realize the game that they are either being used in or a pawn in. But believe me, they'll take ... the universal health care coverage over what ... skin they do have in it. They're going to come out -- this system is going to come out the other side dictorial -- it is going to come out a fascist state.” [The Glenn Beck Program, 7/27/09]
Beck: “We are a country that is headed towards socialism, totalitarianism”; “I can't debunk” FEMA camps conspiracy theory. Saying that Eastern European countries “understand freedom,” Beck added: “We don't even understand freedom anymore. We are a country that is headed towards socialism, totalitarianism, beyond your wildest imagination. I have to tell you, I'm doing a story tonight that I wanted to debunk these FEMA camps.” Beck further stated: “I'm tired of hearing -- I wanted to debunk them. Well, we've now for several days done research on them. I can't debunk them. And we're going to carry the story tonight. ... [I]t is our government. If you trust our government, it's fine. If you have any kind of fear that we might be headed towards a totalitarian state, look out, buckle up. There is something going on in our country that is -- ain't good.” [Fox & Friends, 3/3/09] (Beck eventually managed to “debunk” this conspiracy theory.)
Lou Dobbs' outrageous commentary
Advertisers on the Air America “blackout” list support Dobbs. Recent advertisers on Dobbs' radio program who also appeared on the Air America “blackout” list are: Bayer, Chattem (Gold Bond), Wyeth, Frito-Lay, Office Depot, Visa, the American Heart Association, and the U.S. Navy. For Dobbs' CNN show, the recent advertisers who were also on the Air America “blackout” list include: Allstate, Bayer, the U.S. Postal Service, and Wal-Mart.
Dobbs' anti-Obama rant: “I'm moving from being an independent, sir, to being absolutely opposed to ... any policy you could conceive of.” From the August 6 broadcast of The Lou Dobbs Show:
DOBBS: Now we're going to be talking at some various points today in rather hushed tones. When you call in, I want you to be very, very careful, because the White House -- the White House apparatus -- is listening. Listening carefully. And all of its supporters are ready to turn you in. Oh my God, it's happening, right before our very ears. Oh my lord. I'm going to speak up just a little bit. What do you think you're doing, Barack Obama? What kind of mindless, churlish, un-American nonsense are you ginning up this time? I'm moving from being an independent, sir, to being absolutely opposed to your -- any policy you could conceive of. I mean, this is getting ridiculous. Who are these idiots who work for you? I know they won you an election, sir, but I have got to tell you. This is ignorance on parade emanating from 1600 Pennsylvania, and these fellows are your responsibility. [United Stations Radio Networks' The Lou Dobbs Show, 8/6/09]
Dobbs has claimed birth certificate provided by Obama is not “the real document.” On July 15 on CNN, Dobbs cast doubt on the adequacy of the birth certificate posted by, saying: “President Obama was born in Hawaii, according to state officials, and copies of his certification of birth --, investigating those circumstances prior to the election, and they have a copy of what they say is the original birth certificate posted on their website. It is, in fact, the so-called short form, not the original document. It is really a document saying that the state of Hawaii has the real document in its possession.” [CNN's Lou Dobbs Tonight, 7/15/09]
Dobbs: Obama birth certificate is not “the real deal.” On the July 15 broadcast of his radio show, Dobbs claimed that a “long-form” birth certificate -- rather than the document Obama has provided -- is “the real deal,” asking: “What do you think? Is President Obama -- should he produce his birth certificate -- the long form, the real deal? Should he be a little more forthcoming?” [The Lou Dobbs Show, 7/15/09]
Dobbs faulted “liberal” media “trying to knock down” birth certificate “issue” and claimed “a certificate of live birth is not a birth certificate.” On his July 21 radio show, Dobbs said that “there's certain quarters of the national liberal media that are just absolutely trying to knock down the issue of President Obama's birth certificate -- his certificate of live birth. And it's funny, because this is an issue that I get a lot of calls on from time to time and we -- and what we talk about is the fact that a certificate of live birth is not a birth certificate. It isn't the original document.” [The Lou Dobbs Show; 7/21/09]
Dobbs: “I do believe in a national left-wing media conspiracy in which they work in concert and attack like hell.” After agreeing with Jim Geraghty's assertion that "[i]n order to discredit you, when you have really legitimate lines of criticism, there is an effort to paint you as something you're not ... a conspiracy theorist, et cetera," Dobbs said: “By the way, they missed the one conspiracy ... that I do believe in. And that is I do believe in a national left-wing media conspiracy in which they work in concert and attack like hell, and they're not even in the slightest embarrassed by their own nonsense and just absolute dishonesty. It's -- it's, to me, without question, and established conspiracy.” [The Lou Dobbs Show, 7/23/09]
Dobbs: Obama's policies are “raising new concerns about what many are calling a socialist revolution in prospect -- some say even a risk of totalitarianism.” Dobbs claimed Obama's policies are “raising new concerns about what many are calling a socialist revolution in prospect -- some say even a risk of totalitarianism.” Dobbs made this assertion while displaying onscreen text reading, “Socialist Revolution.” [Lou Dobbs Tonight, 3/31/09]
Dobbs: America is “moving toward a combination of corporate power and political power” that is “disturbingly similar to what we witnessed in Italy in the 1930s.” Later on his March 31 CNN show, referring to the Pay for Performance Act, which “would tie pay to performance at companies that have received direct capital investments under the Troubled Asset Relief Program,” Dobbs said, “We are moving toward a combination of corporate power and political power that is so disturbingly similar to what we witnessed in Italy in the 1930s, and it's not funny.” [Lou Dobbs Tonight, 3/31/09]
Dobbs: Cabinet secretaries are “acting like commissars in the old Soviet Union.” On the April 16 broadcast of his radio show, Dobbs said Cabinet secretaries “are acting like commissars in the old Soviet Union,” adding that “it's time for them to get rolled back. This is America, and it's not some fascist state.” [The Lou Dobbs Show, 4/16/09]
Dobbs: "[W]hat this White House is leading us to is direct confrontation, a physical confrontation." From the August 7 broadcast of The Lou Dobbs Show:
DOBBS: I am pro-labor, by the way, folks. I am pro-business. But I gotta tell you, what this White House is leading us to is direct confrontation, a physical confrontation, and they're going to take -- President Obama will take full responsibility for what happens here. You heard his voice in Virginia. This is a -- I mean, he's -- he's fanning the flames of a mob.
He's not a president trying to bring some sort of sensibility and order to a public debate. This is a guy who didn't want debate, remember? He wanted legislation passed come hell or high water by today. He didn't get it. And the result here is that suddenly dialogue is inconvenient -- oh, my God. This, Mr. President, I'm begging you. Find your senses and lead this nation in a positive and open way, just as you promised in your campaign.
This is thuggery. It is ridiculous to tolerate. Your attack dogs on the left wing are having their way, and you, sir -- you sir now know what is happening, if you did not before. Before, it was on those who worked for you, and the way in which they served you not being in the national interest. Now, Mr. President, this is entirely on you what happens. And it will be -- let me be very clear -- your responsibility. [The Lou Dobbs Show, 8/7/09]
Dobbs warns of mythical “North American Union.” Dobbs said on his radio show: “There is an agenda at work here. I truly believe it's all about -- and Barack Obama referred to it in his meetings with [Canadian Prime Minister] Stephen Harper in Ottawa, in which they talked about harmonization. This is an effort, I truly believe, to extend ultimately to the North American Union -- that is, the combination of Mexico, the United States, and Canada. That's underlying much -- that's subtext for much of what is happening. There's no other explanation -- other than outright corruption and utter madness.” [The Lou Dobbs Show, 3/3/09]
Rush Limbaugh's outrageous commentary
Advertisers on the Air America “blackout” list support Limbaugh. Rush Limbaugh's recent advertisers who also appeared on the Air America “blackout” list include: Home Depot, Office Depot, and JC Penney.
Limbaugh: “Of course I want Obama to fail,” and “I hope” the stimulus package “prolongs the recession.” Limbaugh said on February 13: “Of course I want Obama to fail. And after this stimulus bill package passes, I want it to fail.” Limbaugh later stated: “Not only do I want Obama to fail, I want this package to fail. I want this to blow up in their face. I want this to be seen by the American people for what it is -- nothing to do with getting them jobs, nothing to do with reviving the gross domestic product of this country.” Referring to the economic recovery plan, Limbaugh said: “I hope it prolongs the recession.” [Premiere Radio Networks' The Rush Limbaugh Show; 2/13/09]
Limbaugh on Obama: “We are being told that we have to hope he succeeds, that we have to bend over, grab the ankles ... because his father was black.” On January 21, referring to media coverage of Obama, Limbaugh said: “We are being told that we have to hope he succeeds, that we have to bend over, grab the ankles, bend over forward, backward, whichever, because his father was black, because this is the first black president.” [Fox News' Hannity, 1/21/09]
Limbaugh discusses “the similarities between the Democrat Party of today and the Nazi Party in Germany.” From the August 6 broadcast of The Rush Limbaugh Show:
LIMBAUGH: They accuse of us being Nazis, and Obama's got a health care logo that's right out of Adolf Hitler's playbook. Now, what are the similarities between the Democrat Party of today and the Nazi Party in Germany? Well, the Nazis were against big business. They hated big business. And, of course, we all know that they were opposed to Jewish capitalism.
They were insanely, irrationally against pollution. They were for two years mandatory voluntary service to Germany. They had a whole bunch of make-work projects to keep people working, one of which was the Autobahn. They were against cruelty and vivisection of animals. But in the radical sense of devaluing human life, they banned smoking. They were totally against that. They were for abortion and euthanasia of the undesirables, as we all know, and they were for cradle-to-grave nationalized health care.
This is why I have always bristled when I hear people claim that conservatism gets close to Nazism. It is liberalism that's the closest you can get to Nazism and socialism. It's all bundled up under the socialist banner. There are far more similarities between Nancy Pelosi and Adolf Hitler than between these people showing up at town halls to protest a Hitler-like policy that's being heralded by a Hitler-like logo.
LIMBAUGH: Oh, another similarity: Obama is asking citizens to rat each other out like Hitler did. Obama's the one that's got the snitch website right out of the White House -- -- asking citizens to report people who are saying weird, odd things. You know, the White House response: “No, no, no, we're not taking names here. We're not taking names. We're just taking people who are putting up faulty arguments and refuting them.” Well, that's not the intention. Ted Kennedy's dad, by the way, Joe Kennedy, sympathetic to Hitler, sympathetic to the Nazis. [The Rush Limbaugh Show; 8/06/09]
Limbaugh: “Adolf Hitler, like Barack Obama, also ruled by dictate.” Limbaugh also said on August 6: “Adolf Hitler, like Barack Obama, also ruled by dictate. His Cabinet only met once -- one day. That was it. Hitler said he didn't need to meet with his Cabinet; he represented the will of the people. He was called the messiah. He said the people spoke through him.” [The Rush Limbaugh Show; 8/06/09]
Hours before it turned violent, Limbaugh warned listeners that Obama “mobilized union thugs” for Tampa town hall. On August 6, hours before violence broke out at Rep. Kathy Castor's (D-FL) town hall meeting, Limbaugh said on his radio show: “This is from my buddy Erick Erickson at 'Trying to avoid middle class workers opposed to ObamaCare, Congresswoman Kathy Castor, Democrat-Florida, has scheduled a last-minute town hall for tonight -- she wasn't going to have one. She will be surrounded by union goons from the Service Employees International Union to feed middle class voters to alligators if they dare criticize ObamaCare.' " Limbaugh continued: “This is what's happened. Obama has mobilized union thugs to go out and also attend these town meetings to intimidate the genuine citizens out there who are upset about this. ... Those are paid active -- paid activists are going to be showing up. And that's why -- so the Democrats are going to get brave now. So they're going to have protection. Their -- the mob's showing up. The real genuine mob is showing up to protect these Democrats from the unruly Nazis that are showing up to protest the health care bill.” [The Rush Limbaugh Show, 8/06/09]
Limbaugh: “ObamaCare is the end of the United States as we know it.” On July 28, Limbaugh said, “This -- ObamaCare is ballgame. ObamaCare is the end of the United States as we know it; it's not just the end of health care as you know it. With government-run health care, every aspect of our lives will be regulated as it relates to the cost of health care.” [The Rush Limbaugh Show, 7/28/09]
Limbaugh: Sotomayor is “a reverse racist”; Obama is “the greatest living example of a reverse racist.” On May 26, Limbaugh said, “So, here you have a racist. You might want to soften that, and you might want to say a reverse racist. And the libs, of course, say that minorities cannot be racists because they don't have the power to implement their racism. Well, those days are gone, because reverse racists certainly do have the power to implement their power. Obama is the greatest living example of a reverse racist, and now he's appointed one.” [The Rush Limbaugh Show, 5/26/09]
Limbaugh: “Barack Obama has yet to have to prove he's a citizen. All he'd have to do is show a birth certificate.” On July 20, Limbaugh stated: “Barack Obama has yet to have to prove he's a citizen. All he'd have to do is show a birth certificate. He has yet to have to prove he's -- I have to show them 14 different ways where the hell I am every day of the year for three years.” [The Rush Limbaugh Show, 7/20/09]
Limbaugh: “God does not have a birth certificate. Neither does Obama.” On June 10, Limbaugh said, “Hey, Mr. Snerdley, you know, a lot of people talk about Obama and his messianic complex. He does have one thing in common with God. Barack Obama has one thing in common with God. Do you know what it is? God does not have a birth certificate either. ... God does not have a birth certificate. Neither does Obama -- not that we've seen.” [The Rush Limbaugh Show, 6/10/09]
Limbaugh: “Obama's entire economic program is reparations.” On June 22, Limbaugh stated: “What they don't know is that in -- Obama's entire economic program is reparations. If I were [Al] Sharpton, if I'd been guest-hosting Sharpton's show and I got a call like that, somebody complaining, I'd say, 'No, don't do -- hey, hey, hey, shh, shh, let me tell you the truth here. Everything in the stimulus plan, every plan he's got is reparations. He's going to take from the rich -- he's going to take from them, he's going to give it to you. It's just can't happen overnight. Be patient.' That's what's -- redistribution of wealth, reparations, returning the nation's wealth to its rightful owners, whatever you want to call it. It's reparations.” [The Rush Limbaugh Show, 6/22/09]
Limbaugh: Obama “wants to pay people to kill some of us before we are born and before we are ready to die.” Limbaugh also said on the August 22 broadcast of his show: “By the way, here's another way to look at it. We've learned that elective abortions -- Peter Orszag, the budget director, said, 'No, I can't -- the elective abortions -- I can't say that they're not going to be paid for.' Elective abortions will be covered in Obama health care. So, the way to explain this to people is that President Obama, of the compassionate Democrat Party, wants to provide cover for those who kill us before we are born. He wants to pay people to kill some of us before we are born and before we're ready to die after we are born. It's called 'efficiency.' ” [The Rush Limbaugh Show, 6/22/09]
Limbaugh: Obama sending out “union thugs,” involved in “Mussolini-type stuff.” On August 7, Limbaugh stated: “Obama sends out his army. You gotta -- folks, this is -- this Mussolini-type stuff. This is the president of the United States -- who cannot deal with opposition. There will not be any. He is going to silence it -- sending his union thugs out to physically assault in some cases and to, in all cases, intimidate average Americans who just want some answers.” [The Rush Limbaugh Show, 8/07/09]