Charlie Kirk says the FBI intentionally placed Time Magazine cover that says “knock knock” in DOJ filing photo to show the deep state is after Trump
Kirk: “This was designed with the sole intent to try to chill dissent”
From the August 31, 2022, edition of Real America's Voice's The Charlie Kirk Show
CHARLIE KIRK (HOST): There is some breaking news that happened last evening. The Department of Justice that just released a filing of a picture of documents from Mar-a-Lago seemingly just kind of spread all across the floor. And if you look a level deeper into this photo, let's put the photo up on screen, it is very clear that our prediction on Monday is becoming true. This is the Department of Justice sending a clear and obvious and intentional message towards Donald Trump and his allies and towards you.
What is it in this picture, exactly? Well, the administrative state posts this picture of documents all across the floor. Nothing necessarily telling there, but there's two big things, and you have to look a level deeper for there. The first of which is an intentional placement of a Time Magazine cover. Now, look, they knew that this was going to go viral. They knew this was going to be examined through every single way – put a picture of the Time Magazine cover up on screen. Picture of Donald Trump with all the Democrat candidates looking outside of the window and it says "knock knock." This is back from March of 2019.
Get it? Knock knock? Like we're knocking on your door on home? No, no mistake that that was put in there. Now, this is not the for the purpose of the judge, this is simply and solely for a public relations move. This was designed with the sole intent to try to chill dissent. It's so smug, it's so arrogant, the FBI no longer even tries to hide their political bias and I'm going to say this again, they're going for it. They're going for an indictment of Donald Trump.