Infowars' Owen Shroyer praises Fox News for attacking the FBI so they don't have to
Shroyer: “We don't have to show up and score the touchdown on that coverage because others are. I mean, every night on Fox News someone's calling to dismantle the FBI and it's just like, wow, talk about a pressure reliever.”
From the August 15, 2022, edition of Infowars' The Alex Jones Show.
CRAIG (CALLER): The biggest thing is I'm glad you guys haven't completely dove in on the Mar-a-Lago thing and you keep covering other stuff, because sometimes I think that stuff's a lot of times a diversion, you know, just to take our focus off of stuff.
OWEN SHROYER (INFOWARS HOST): Well, there's no doubt the Mar-a-Lago raid took focus off a lot of things that developed, like the CDC saying that COVID is the flu, the FBI still refusing to turn over Hunter Biden's laptop, they're past their due date on that. And there was a lot of other stuff — the border, there's like a cartel war going on at the border right now. So, there's all kinds of crazy stuff but, having said that, I mean the Mar-a-Lago raid was obviously a very dangerous precedent-setting event, and a historical event in our country's history. But there's also, for me when I see all the other mainstream media covering an event and Fox News nightly covering the Mar-a-Lago raid, with the best coverage I've seen on Fox News like ever, that takes the pressure off. That's like a big pressure reliever that we don't have to show up and score the touchdown on that coverage because others are. I mean, every night on Fox News someone's calling to dismantle the FBI and it's just like, wow, talk about a pressure reliever.
CRAIG (GUEST CALLER): Yeah, it's good to see, you know? And I think like you've said, and I think most people will agree, I think you guys have been driving that, and it's good to see it, you know, dripping over to the other news outlets.
SHROYER: And well, whether we're driving it or not, people are catching up, we'll put it that way.