Fox host Mark Levin brags that he’s been spreading the white nationalist replacement conspiracy theory for 12 years

Levin: “Change the voter rolls by changing the citizenry, by changing the demographics. It's so obvious, and yet you're not allowed to say it”

Fox host Mark Levin brags that he’s been spreading the white nationalist replacement conspiracy theory for 12 years


From the September 22, 2021, edition of Westwood One's The Mark Levin Show

MARK LEVIN (HOST): I want you to listen, America -- all of America -- to Chuck Schumer on the floor of the Senate yesterday.

If you insist on a lawful immigration system, which Democrats used to insist on, Democrat presidents, Republican presidents, it was bipartisan.

And if you object to Haitians pouring into this country illegally, you're xenophobic.

You're xenophobic, so you can't have a legitimate concern about what's taking place.

I want you to understand that, because Chuck Schumer is an extremist and a radical when it comes to open borders.

Because he's the Democrat leader in the Senate, and this is one of the ways they seek permanent power.

Change the voter rolls by changing the citizenry, by changing the demographics.

It's so obvious, and yet you're not allowed to say it, and yet, I said it over 12 years ago, in "Liberty And Tyranny," and elsewhere.