Fox host Mark Levin: “We’re losing red state America, and they are doing it, they are diabolical, and they are evil, they are doing it through immigration”
Levin: “The iron fist is taken out to pound every one of you, but the border is wide-open, by design. People are coming in by the hundreds of thousands, by design”
Fox host Mark Levin: “We’re losing red state America, and they are doing it, they are diabolical, and they are evil, they are doing it through immigration”

From the August 2, 2021, edition of Westwood One's The Mark Levin Show
MARK LEVIN (HOST): They should be securing that border, if not closing the border until we get through this.
But they don't want to. Why don't they want to?
Two simple reasons. One, they want to turn Texas blue. Texas and Arizona, they want to turn them blue. Texas goes blue, the Democrats own the country for the rest of time. And while they're at it, they're moving people to other parts of the country where maybe they're marginally Republican, or they're purple going blue, you know, like Virginia, and Georgia, and southeastern states. Because most of these people are -- that's where they're going, to the southeast. To what used to be the heart of red state America, which truly isn't the heart of red state America anymore.
We're losing red state America, and they are doing it, they are diabolical, and they are evil, they are doing it through immigration.
Everybody knows it, if you dare to bring it up, you're attacked by the same corrupt media that promoted the slaughter of Ukrainians in '32, that covered up the Holocaust, that promoted Castro, and now do this. They're the same ilk, the same mentality, they carry the water with these various American Marxist movements and the Democrat Party. It's that simple.
And number two, because people are being taught and radicalized that this country America, this quote-unquote "white supremacy, white majority" country needs to be overthrown. That is, they're the ones fixated with race, they're the ones fixated with critical race theory, all of which is supported by academia, supported by the Democratic Party, supported by Joe Biden's executive orders, and supported by the media.
They are the racists. They are focused on it, and they want to eliminate the quote-unquote, "white-majority dominated society," what better way than this?
And then if you bring it up, "Well, you must be a white supremacist". Folks, if you aren't down for this Marxist revolution, you're a white supremacist. Don't you get it? Even if you're Black.
But that's what's going on here, that's exactly what's going on here. That's why there's exceptions -- and that's why I started out this program by saying really, the Democrats are concerned about this virus? They're concerned about the delta variant? They have a funny way of showing it.
The iron fist is taken out to pound every one of you, but the border is wide-open, by design.
People are coming in by the hundreds of thousands, by design. Most of the media are not there to report it, by design.