Fox News host Mark Levin admits impeachment inquiry against Biden is really just meant to hurt his reelection
Levin: “The point of impeachment today really isn’t even to remove a president. It’s to expose him or her to the electorate.”
Fox News host Mark Levin admits impeachment inquiry against Biden is really just meant to hurt his re-election

From the September 14, 2023, edition of Westwood Ones’ The Mark Levin Show
MARK LEVIN: I’m telling you, it’s so frustrating how conservatives, Republicans, hosts, guests, writers, whatever, they seem to be wanting to preemptively do for the Democrats what the Democrats would like to do for themselves — and that is, get rid of Biden. Biden is the easiest candidate for us to defeat. And he’s not running the country, this politburo is. So, even if they managed to remove him prior to the election, the politburo’s still there. That’s number one.
Number two, “Mark, Mark, what about, what about an impeachment inquiry and impeachment?” What about it? No president’s ever been removed by a vote of the Senate. The point of impeachment today really isn’t even to remove a president. It’s to expose him or her to the electorate.