Fox News host Mark Levin: Democrats “are killing America. And so it’s very, very important that we have people who are going to fight.”
Levin: “We are literally looking at the end of America as we know it”
Fox News host Mark Levin: Democrats “are killing America. And so it’s very, very important that we have people who are going to fight.”

From the September 6, 2022, edition of Westwood One's The Mark Levin Show
MARK LEVIN (HOST): I think Tom Klingenstein, the chairman of the Claremont Institute as you can hear in that about ten minutes of comments frames things in a way that's very important. And we only have a couple minutes in this segment, so as it turns out, I can't finish his comments till after the bottom of the hour. But it's very important you know the lesson here. The lesson I would take from this is, and it's a lesson I live by quite frankly, don't back down. Don't make apologies for your principles, for your values, for your beliefs. Stand firm. You live one life. Don't compromise your soul and your conscience. Don't do it.
So if you support somebody, you tell people proudly, "I support them." Or if you believe something's right, stand proudly, and stand on the right. If you believe somebody is a bully or is abusive, stand up to them. What's the worst that can happen?
And in this case -- in this case, ladies and gentlemen, we are literally looking at the end of America as we know it, and we love it. That's what we're looking at. They are killing America. And so, it's very, very important that we have people who are going to fight for this country. Why do you think they want to take Trump out. Why do you think they want to take DeSantis out?