Fox News host Mark Levin dismisses reports of Trump’s missing phone records and use of burner phones
Levin: “What if the president did use his private phone? ... Obama used his private phone. We know Hillary used her private phone. We know nothing ever happened to them”
Fox News host Mark Levin dismisses reports of Trump’s missing phone records and use of burner phones

MARK LEVIN (HOST): Now, for part of the time at least, mister producer, wasn't Donald Trump giving a speech? So, for part of the time, presumably when he's going from the White House, giving a speech, greeting people, going back to the White House, it's very conceivable his phone wasn't even turned on.
"The records show former White House Chief strategist Stephen K Bannon, who said on his January 5 podcast, said all hell is going to break loose tomorrow spoke with Trump twice on January 6." Okay. What does that have to do with anything? It could have been any time on January 6. So, you see how the game is played?
And what if the president did use his private phone? I think he was known to use his private phone. We know Obama used his private phone. We know Hillary used her private phone. We know nothing ever happened to them, whether it was Benghazi, whether it was Hillary destroying emails, whether it was any of the sort.