Fox News host Mark Levin says Rep. Rashida Tlaib has a “Nazi-like hate for the Jews” and wants a “final solution” in Israel
Levin: “She’s about as close – in Mark’s opinion – to a neo-Nazi as you can get”
Fox News host Mark Levin says Rep. Rashida Tlaib has a “Nazi-like hate for the Jews” and wants a “final solution” in Israel

From the May 18, 2022, edition of Westwood One's The Mark Levin Show
MARK LEVIN (HOST): Rashida Tlaib among others has introduced some kind of resolution about 1948 that has, as its purpose, to trash the state of Israel and the Jews. Of course, the Jews are the indigenous people in the area. They've only been there about four thousand years, Judea and Samaria, etcetera.
And, of course, Rashida Tlaib will never mention that the head muckety-muck of the Palestinians -- who used to be called Arabs -- but the Palestinians, was a cohort of Adolf Hitler, and met with Hitler, and promised him that he would help Hitler slaughter the Jews in the Middle East and North Africa. Rashida Tlaib doesn't mention that. Her parents came here from there.
Now the same Tlaib, an anti-semite through and through, has talked about the elimination of Israel. You see, they don't want a two state solution, which I've said is the final solution for the Jews in that area of the world. That would never be enough, because this isn't about geography. It isn't about land. It's about Nazi-like hate for the Jews, and that's what Tlaib has.
Now I understand she's not white, and I understand she's not a Klansman, and I understand those things, but she's about as close -- in Mark's opinion -- to a neo-Nazi as you can get. Right?
Why is it that the Democrat Party doesn't take possession of their great replacement ideology? We have their quotes, I've got more clips. They know what they said, we know what they said. The media know what they said.
Why is it that when the last census came up, media after media after media kept saying "Minorities are gonna replace whites. Minorities are gonna replace whites." Google it. We Googled it, didn't we mister Producer? It's all over the place. They said it.