Fox News’ Mark Levin compares Black Lives Matter to the Nazi architects of “the Final Solution. The Holocaust”
Fox News’ Mark Levin compares Black Lives Matter to the Nazi architects of “the Final Solution. The Holocaust”

From the January 20, 2022, edition of Westwood One's The Mark Levin Show
MARK LEVIN (HOST): It was originally slated for December 9, because of Pearl Harbor. Hitler declared war on the United States right after. The Wannsee Conference was rescheduled for January 20, 1942. 80 years ago. Reinhard Heydrich, deputy SS chief and head of the Reich Security Main office, summoned the state secretaries of Germany's most important ministries to coordinate their participation in achieving the final solution to the Jewish problem. Better methods had to be implemented. The participants around the table 80 years ago were no ordinary thugs. Most had attended Germany's most respected schools and universities. Eight of the 15 invitees held doctorates, and while they knew that Jews were being murdered en masse in occupied USSR, Heydrich left little doubt that Hitler had ordered a final solution to the Jewish problem, meaning all of Europe's Jews were to be annihilated. Heydrich sought to involve Germany's government ministries to help achieve that goal.
Now, you expect opposition from some attendees, but according to Holocaust organizer Adolf Eichmann, who was present, Heydrich found an unexpected air of agreement. Rather than expressing concerns or outright opposition, the eight PhDs in attendance expressed enthusiasm about being included in the plan. At his trial in Jerusalem many years later, Eichmann testified these gentlemen were sitting together and minced no words about it. They spoke about methods of killing the Jews, about murder, liquidation, about extermination. Gassing Jews drew particular interest. The importance of the Wannsee Conference 80 years ago cannot be overstated.
It marked the point at which Hitler's plans for genocide were shared with Germany's major ministries. It also demonstrated the need for the participation of those bureaucracies to accomplish genocide. And just as important, the summaries typed at the end of the conference, the Wannsee protocol is the only document in history codifying genocide as official state policy. The Wannsee Conference took fewer than 90 minutes to devise a plan to wipe out an entire population in Europe. It took place not in some backward country, but in one of the world's most technologically and scientifically advanced societies. 80 years later, the world must not ignore the Wannsee legacy. Everyone should read and ponder the Wannsee Protocol.
Never again should anyone confuse being educated with having morals. Some of Germany's most educated enthusiastically followed Hitler, and educated people today still forge strategies to legitimize crimes in the name of greater good. Never again should leaders of democracies turn a blind eye to evils unleashed against innocents by governments such as Communist China, or Iran's Mullah-ocracy with the hope that somehow playing pussyfoot with tyrants will change the course of history. That didn't work for Neville Chamberlain, and it won't work now. Finally, in the Middle East, we cannot expect Israel, the Gulf States and Egypt to accept a new Iran nuclear deal. A nuclearized Ayatollah would mean a possible nuclear holocaust with Jews, again, the principal target.
We've learned the hard way that words have consequences, and we must take tyrants at their word. If the leaders of the United States, United Kingdom and other democracies would pause to study the Wannsee Protocol might save the world from another Holocaust. Rabbi Marvin Hier, founder and CEO of the Simon Wiesenthal Center. Rabbi Abraham Cooper is the center's associate dean and global social action director. And you should take a look at the Wannsee protocol, January 20, 1942 and the detail it provides.
Approximately 11 million Jews were to be involved in the Final Solution of the Europe Jewish question. They broke down the numbers by country, how they would handle the problem. How there would be proper guidance. What about people of mixed blood? Well, it depends. Mixed blood of the first degree or the second degree or other degrees, it would depend. What of the children of mixed blood? It would depend. They would either go to that line or the other line. What about non-Jews who married Jews, how were they to be treated? What about sterilization and abortion? What about all of it? How are they to be dealt with?
In 90 minutes, they made those determinations. The Final Solution, 80 years ago today, hatched the Wannsee protocol. We ever taught about this, Mr. producer? No. Mr Call Screener, you ever taught about this? The Final Solution, the Holocaust, and nobody's taught about this in our public schools today. One of the great websites is the Avalon Project. I use it all the time. I mention it in "Liberty and Tyranny" as a resource. They have original documents to look at on the -- on their website. For American history, for world history, ancient history. Medieval history 15th, 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th, 20th and 21st century. It's a fantastic site, but all the propaganda and so forth and so on.
It makes you wonder when you think of modern times, groups like Black Lives Matter, anti-Semitic groups, does it not? Being supported by hosts at ESPN, by its corporate masters, Disney. By the teams they cover, the NBA, the NFL. By mayors who write "BLM" and "Black Lives Matter" in their streets. In the original mission statement, not only are they Marxists, but they're anti-Semites. Makes you wonder about critical race theory being pushed by the left, including people in the media, in the media. Being pushed by the NEA and the AFT and superintendents all over the country. Critical race theory is an anti-Semitic, racist Marxist ideology.
Things can happen in industrialized society, in advanced societies. Things can happen. The Communist Revolution in Russia was not led by a peasant, a janitor. It was led by a college graduate, Lenin. The communist revolution in China was not led by a peasant, janitor. It was led by an educated man who studied Marx while he was working at a library. Mao Tse Tung. The communist revolution in Cuba wasn't led by a peasant or janitor. It was led by a lawyer by the name of Fidel Castro.
These Marxist movements, and in many cases, these fascistic movements, are led by highly educated people. Look at Italy. Mussolini was a journalist. A journalist, and a fascist. Marx was a journalist, wrote for American papers for over 12 years. And obviously, the Marxist.
I just thought I'd point it out, 80 years ago today the Final Solution was hatched in 1942.