Fox News' Mark Levin says Bernie Sanders' Middle East peace plan would be the “final solution for the state of Israel”
Levin: “His two-state solution would be the dissolution, the final solution for the state of Israel”
From the February 26, 2020, edition of BlazeTV's LevinTV
MARK LEVIN (HOST): [Bernie] Sanders has a habit of calling everyone he disagrees with a racist. Trump is a racist, [Benjamin] Netanyahu is a racist. Actually it's Sanders who's the racist. And I've said this on radio and I've been attacked by Media Matters which is a front group for racists, among others, on the left.
Bernie Sanders likes to say, “Hey I'm Jewish, I even spent a few months in Israel. I was on a kibbutz." Turns out that kibbutz, they've done a little bit of research, was a Marxist kibbutz. Marxist kibbutz. Yes, that's where he was for a few months.
And when he talks about peace plans, he talks about a two-state solution, but his two state solution would be the dissolution, the final solution for the state of Israel.