Fox's Mark Levin claims mail-in voting is a threat “against our nation” on par with the Civil War
Levin: “They're pushing mail-in voting to crash the system, to fill the void, and to demand the presidency”
Fox's Mark Levin claims mail-in voting is a threat "against our nation" on par with the Civil War

From the September 21, 2020, edition of Westwood One's The Mark Levin Show
MARK LEVIN (HOST): The Constitution for the Democrat Party today is nothing but a fig leaf through which to drive its anti-constitutional, anti-American agenda. That's exactly what it is.
So what you are watching, what you are listening to is the effort by the Democrat Party to control the country, the court, all aspects of this government. It's exactly why they're pushing mail-in voting to crash the system, to fill the void, and to demand the presidency. We have not faced this kind of threat against our nation and against our liberty since the Civil War. The same party that sought to destroy this country seeks to destroy it again. With a different ideology, different tactics, but nonetheless, the goal is to destroy the core principles and the liberty that you enjoy.