Fox's Mark Levin: Democrats are “the enemy from within - an enemy that seeks to force us to commit suicide”
Levin: “They intend to devour our towns, our neighborhoods, our counties”
Fox's Mark Levin: Democrats are "the enemy from within - an enemy that seeks to force us to commit suicide"

From the February 14, 2023, edition of Westwood One's The Mark Levin Show
MARK LEVIN (HOST): Now the bureaucrats and the Democrats, one and the same, will make the decisions about where you will live, how you will live, what your neighborhoods and communities will look like, the values of your homes, what kind of homes you can have, the schools, what kind of schools you can have. Now they're going to have complete control.
Alexis De Tocqueville wrote two volumes called Democracy in America, and he said one of the great strengths of America, if not the greatest strength, is there are thousands and thousands of villages and towns that will never assent, never acquiesce to tyranny. There's just too many. He was a brilliant man, but he didn't foresee the enemy from within - an enemy that seeks to force us to commit suicide, that sabotages liberty, sabotages private property rights.
This is how they intend to devour our towns, our neighborhoods, our counties, this is how they intend to do it. By our, I mean, not just white, I mean, everybody. It's one thing to follow the American dream and live wherever you want, buy whatever kind of home you want, whatever kind of automobile you want. It's quite another to try and turn small towns and villages and communities and the suburbs and the exurbs into dysfunctional cities.
They seek to nationalize their agenda, whether it's the voting system, whether it's open borders, whatever it is. This is why they don't believe in individualism. This is why they dehumanize you. This is why they walk around with buttons on the Senate floor that are literally pro-abortion. They don't want it rare, they want it everywhere. It is sick. It is a sick ideology. These are sick people and it's a sick party backed by a corrupt and sick media.