Fox's Mark Levin: Dr. Fauci “never shuts the hell up and all he does is say 'wear a mask'”
Levin: “Everybody loves Fauci -- right? I don't. I can't stand the guy”
Fox's Mark Levin: Dr. Fauci “never shuts the hell up and all he does is say 'wear a mask'”

From the October 20, 2020, edition of Westwood One's The Mark Levin Show
MARK LEVIN (HOST): It's like this Fauci thing. Everybody loves Fauci -- right? I don't. I can't stand the guy -- never shuts the hell up and all he does is say "Wear a mask."
It's like this guy Fauci, the other day he's on 60 Minutes, he trashes the President. "You know that was a super-spreader there and I really cringed when the President was there."
So, The Washington Examiner asked Fauci, "If the Women's March" -- this, left-wing kooks -- "in DC was a possible super-spreader event, would you support that?"
You know what he said? He didn't respond. Because he's a liberal.
More than happy to take a question from 60 Minutes trashing the President, but when it comes to the radical left-wing group -- the Women's March -- "Hey, isn't that a super-spreader event?" He didn't respond.