Fox’s Mark Levin lashes out at Biden’s speech about Trump and January 6: “One of your Goebbels-ites wrote that speech for you”
Fox’s Mark Levin lashes out at Biden’s speech about Trump and January 6: “One of your Goebbels-ites wrote that speech for you”

Audio file
From the January 5, 2024, edition of Westwood One's The Mark Levin Show
MARK LEVIN (HOST): I don't think we have enough time right now, do we, mister producer, to start playing some of this audio? Well, we do have Biden. He's at Valley Forge. Let's try this. Cut 13, go.
Ah. Shut up, you idiot. One of your Goebbels-ites wrote that speech for you. That's right. One of your Goebbels-ites wrote that speech for you, you jerk. I'll be right back.