Fox's Mark Levin: “We don't believe that it was the cleanest election of elections in 2020”
Levin: “The dirty little secret is the voting rolls are filled with fraud”
Fox's Mark Levin: "We don't believe that it was the cleanest election of elections in 2020"

From the February 21, 2023, edition of Westwood One's The Mark Levin Show
MARK LEVIN (HOST): How much you wanna bet this is going on all over the United States? How much you wanna bet it's going on in the major metropolitan areas where millions and millions of people live? That's why we don't believe that it was the cleanest election of elections in 2020. How is that even possible?
When I hear that you don't have any evidence of fraud, I say to myself, that's the evidence of fraud. How can you say there's no evidence of fraud? There's gotta be some fraud, and yet the media never find it. And yet the Department of Justice under Bill Barr didn't find any. And yet state attorneys' general didn't find any. County prosecutors didn't find any. Because they didn't look. And the sheriffs looked.
The dirty little secret is the voting rolls are filled with fraud. They're filled with people who are double registered. They're filled with names of dead people. They're filled with phony names. They're filled with them. And the Democrat Party, for some reason, does not want these lists cleaned up. And when you try to clean them up in the major cities, where so many of their -- the voters in the base live, they accuse you of voter suppression.