Mark Levin on the Insurrection Act: Trump “will have to use it to put down the enemy” if reelected
Levin: “The enemy is antifa, the enemy is Black Lives Matter, the enemy is anybody that is going to use rioting, arson, looting, violence against our country to try to overthrow our country.”
Mark Levin: "I have a sneaking suspicion" Trump will use the Insurrection Act "to put down the enemy" if reelected

From the September 11, 2020, edition of Westwood One's The Mark Levin Show
MARK LEVIN (HOST): The unreality of the left, they try to make it our reality. And I have a sneaking suspicion -- and no I have no firsthand knowledge, but a sneaking suspicion -- should our president be reelected, God willing, that he will dust off the Insurrection Act that was first passed by the Jeffersonian Republicans and used by Jefferson and used by so many presidents since Jefferson. And he will have to use it to put down the enemy. The enemy is antifa, the enemy is Black Lives Matter, and the enemy is anybody that is going to use rioting, arson, looting, violence against our country to try to overthrow our country. Those are traitors. That's treasonous.
It wouldn't be hard to put down these punks. Tt would not be hard to put down these punks. They run around in masks because they're frauds. They cover their faces because they're frauds. They don't want you to know what they are and who they are.