Daily Wire host celebrates House GOP chaos: “It is a vote of no confidence in the establishment”
Matt Walsh: “I hope they keep this up. I hope this continues for another month. I hope it goes forever.”
From the January 5, 2023, edition of The Daily Wire's The Matt Walsh Show
MATT WALSH (HOST): Kevin McCarthy is a milquetoast establishment shill, just an empty, sort of, nobody, a nothing.
And you can literally put anything or anyone in his place and you'd have the same results, if not better.
And so, he deserves to be enduring this humiliation. And I hope that they keep this up. I hope this continues for another month. I hope it goes forever. I do.
I want it to continue because, number one and most importantly, it is a vote of no confidence in the establishment. That's really what this is. This is, at least, a small, select group of Republicans who are saying, we have no confidence in these people and we're not just going to get in line because that's what you do. That's really the whole argument.
The other thing I like about this, too, is that it's grinding the House of Representatives and, then to a large extent the legislative branch of the federal government, to a standstill, which is what we keep on hearing. All this panicking that we can't do anything, we're not able to do anything, we can't hire staff, and what about the committee assignments, and everything. The lawmakers can't even be sworn in.
And there's all this frantic panicking over it. And it's the same kind of panicking that you hear every time we're coming up on the precipice of a government shutdown. And it's the same, sort of, what are we going to do if the government shuts down? But then it happens and you look around and you realize it doesn't matter, nothing changes. So, the House of Representatives has been ground to a standstill. So what? What difference has that made? It's made no difference.
And that's what they don't want you to see. They don't want you to notice that. That's the main reason they're always so paranoid about government shutdowns. It's not because there are services the government's providing that they really feel passionate that they want to keep on providing those services. It's more that they don't want you to notice that you don't notice it when the government shuts down. That your life continues as normal.