Daily Wire host: “This country was in fact primarily built by white men”

Matt Walsh: “White men were primarily the ones who abolished slavery on top of it. So, that's historical reality.”

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From the February 13, 2025, edition of The Daily Wire's The Matt Walsh Show

MATT WALSH (HOST): So who did, quote, unquote, build the country? Well, this country was in fact primarily built by white men. It just was. That again is a historical fact.

And what do we mean by built? Well, whatever you mean by the term, it was predominantly white men. White men developed our system of government. White men came up with our Constitution and also the philosophical foundation of our Constitution and our system of government. White men were primarily the ones who fought and won our war of independence. White men and the labor of white men accounted for the vast majority, the vast, vast majority of our economy during slavery and after and before. White men were the pioneers and the soldiers and the inventors and the politicians and the generals and the business leaders. OK? Almost all of the great leaders in all of these areas were white men. Almost all of them. And white men were primarily the ones who abolished slavery on top of it. So, that's historical reality. 

And the fact that it's even remotely controversial to say this is is such an indictment on many things, but mainly our education system. Because everything I'm saying right now, it should be like, well — it should be baffling that I'm even saying it because it's so obvious. You know? But, instead, it's — this is — to people who were raised in the public school system and didn't do much of their own research when they hear a statement like, well, white men actually were the ones who primarily built the country. When they hear that, that's — that's shocking. It's a shocking statement. And they wanna deny it. They said, well, that's what do you mean? That's not can't possibly be true. OK. Well, again, go — however you measure whatever you mean by built and however you measure it, what was the group that was predominantly, primarily responsible for it? And it was white men. It just was. That's all.