Daily Wire host Matt Walsh: “If child care is a crisis” it is driven “by single motherhood”

Walsh: “Child care is not an issue for the government to solve”

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Citation From the October 2, 2024, edition of The Daily Wire's The Matt Walsh Show

MATT WALSH (HOST): Second thing more to the point, if child care is a crisis — or if it's a problem, but not a crisis, however we describe it — the issue is not primarily a lack of affordable daycare. It's not a lack of paid family leave. The crisis — just using the word, we'll stick with that word for the sake of argument — the crisis is being driven not by a lack of affordability, but by single motherhood.

OK? So can we just be honest about that? Now, yes, I realize that there are married couples with kids who struggle to find affordable child care options. I get that. I know that. But the thing that brings it to crisis level, if that's the level that it's at, the primary thing driving that is that we have far too many people having kids but not getting married or having kids but not staying married. That is what's driving this primarily.

What's the solution? Get married first, then have kids, then stay married. That's the solution. If we are not doing that, then there will never be a solution. Child care — here's another hot take for you — child care is not an issue for the government to solve. This is not an issue for the federal government. You should not be looking to the president of the United States to figure out child care solutions for you. I mean, do you realize how insane that is looking to the president to figure out child care solutions?