Daily Wire's Matt Walsh defends Tucker Carlson's racist text message
Walsh: “In nearly every video on the Internet where gangs of people viciously assault another person, the gangs are comprised of people who are not white”
From the May 3, 2023, edition of The Daily Wire's The Matt Walsh Show
MATT WALSH (HOST): With the spectacular failure of those smear attempts, Fox decided to try again, this time teaming up with the friends -- their friends at The New York Times. Last night, Times published a -- The Times published a lengthy article about a text message that Fox sent or Tucker sent to one of his producers at Fox in 2021.
I suppose we're also supposed to be scandalized by his comment that, you know, white men don't generally fight by ganging up and mobbing somebody -- someone the way they were in that video, apparently. Tucker is implying, of course, that non-whites do fight that way. And here he commits the other great sin of the modern era, which is the sin of noticing. So Tucker has apparently noticed, noticed out loud rather than noticing silently like most people do, that in almost every video where multiple people are beating the hell out of a single victim -- and there are many videos like this on the Internet, unfortunately. And in almost every case of that that we have ever seen, the assailants are not white. That's just a fact. And we have all noticed it. Every single person. Any person who read that text message from Tucker and pretended to be offended, they know exactly what he's talking about. Anyone who's listening to me right now -- Media Matters, probably, one of them is getting ready to clip this exact segment. But they also, they also have noticed it. So they hear that and they go, oh, yeah, sure. But then they pretend, well, we can't say that.
So, everyone knows that it's true. What does it mean? What do we make of it? What do we do with the fact that in nearly every video on the Internet where gangs of people viciously assault another person, the gangs are comprised of people who are not white? What do we do with that? Well, that's a separate question. We can talk about the whys. But the what, the simple fact is not really up for debate. It is what it is. It just is. That's all. If it makes you uncomfortable, it still is. I'm sorry that it is. I wish it wasn't the case. But it is. You might wish that it isn't, but it is.
So, what have we learned from all this? Well, we've learned that -- really what we already knew, which is that Tucker Carlson is normal and he's honest. His critics are neither of those things. They are at this point so abnormal and so dishonest that they can't even accurately predict how other normal and honest people will react to things. So they thought that we'd see these smear attempts and turn against Tucker. Instead, we only like him more.