The Daily Wire's Matt Walsh defends using the n-word: “The idea that there's a word that cannot be uttered under any circumstance is completely insane”
From the May 4, 2023, edition of The Daily Wire's The Matt Walsh Show
MATT WALSH (HOST): In no context, of course do we know you can -- is it okay to utter that word, depending on your skin pigmentation. Because we know that this word, it's a magical incantation. It's like a curse that, you know, you find in a -- in an old dusty book in the attic. And you dust off the book and you open it and you recite, you say the words in the book and it has some kind of, like -- just saying the words has some sort of magical effect. That's what this particular word is, we're told. That's how it's presented, where you can not even utter the syllables in any context, even while quoting someone. You can't say the act -- you could say n-word. Which still conveys that -- it still communicates the word. When you say n-word, well, everyone immediately knows what you mean. So what is the moral distinction between saying n-word or actually uttering the simple syllables themselves while quoting someone? What's the distinction? There isn't one. It's totally arbitrary. But this is the arbitrary, completely ridiculous rule that has been imposed
And it is, again, a decision that nobody, no one can logically or morally defend. You know, the idea that there's a word that cannot be uttered under any circumstance is completely insane. And it is not something that -- there is no other word in the English language or any other language in existence that we have those kinds of rules for. Any -- there's other words that are slurs. They are words that are -- that we would consider vulgarity and profanity. And all kinds of words that I don't say on this show because we try not to use profanity and vulgarity on the show. Words that I don't think you should use, words that you shouldn't use around kids and so on, and all kinds of words like this. But there's no other word that we would say, well, under no circumstance at all can it even be uttered even in the context of quoting somebody. And certainly there's no other word where we would say, well judging on your skin pigment, if it's this shade, you can't say it at all under any circumstance. But if it's a little bit of a darker shade, then say it all the time and it's totally fine. So there's no context where it can be said over here. There is no context where it can't be said over here. And we are going to decide that based on how dark your skin is. Makes no sense. And I think we all are aware of that.