Daily Wire's Matt Walsh suggests raising taxes to build more prisons
Walsh: “Build 50 new prisons if you have to. And if you don't have the money for it, then raise the taxes in these cities.”
From the April 18, 2023 edition of The Daily Wire's The Matt Walsh Show
MATT WALSH (HOST): You have to round up the criminals and throw them in prison. And I know this is not exactly a mind blowing insight, or at least it shouldn't be, but the only way to restore order is to impose severe penalties on those causing the disorder. That's the only way through it. If there isn't enough room in the prisons, then build new ones. Ok? Build 50 new prisons if you have to. And if you don't have the money for it, then raise the taxes in these cities. They're raising taxes all the time anyway, Democrats love raising taxes, so raise them again so that the community can pay for prisons to put all their violent scumbags into.
You cannot have a civilized society if you don't have a reliable means of segregating those people who are enemies of civilized society. And violent criminals are enemies of civilized society. And you especially cannot have a civilized society without justice. You know, this is the higher calling of what we call the criminal justice system. You notice, we don't call it the criminal segregation system or the criminal rehabilitation system. We don't call it that traditionally because its primary purpose is supposed to be justice which involves the punishment of wrongdoing. We must balance out the scales by imposing penalties on criminals that are commensurate with the severity of the crimes they have committed. Again, not a mind blowing concept, or it shouldn't be.