Daily Wire's Matt Walsh suggests that same-sex marriage is not a settled issue
From the March 6, 2025, edition of The Daily Wire's The Matt Walsh Show
MATT WALSH (HOST): You know, the issue for them is not simply that voters find their party to be completely unappealing even though that's obviously a serious problem. The bigger issue for Democrats is that voters are now going back and reassessing how Democrats got to this point. Voters are thinking about everything else Democrats have said over the past decade or so. They're wondering what other scams the party has been running. And that might explain why according to a recent poll from The Economist and YouGov, only 48% of Americans right now support the nationwide legalization of same-sex marriage. 38% oppose it and the rest are unsure. So to restate, less than half of adult Americans want same-sex marriage to be recognized nationwide. Among political moderates, support for the nationwide legalization of gay marriage sits at just 51%. Among conservatives, it's down to 20%. And this is from a poll that was conducted just a few days ago in the first days of March. Even among self-described liberals, support for gay marriage is not unanimous. It's about 84% in that demographic. Now just three years ago, YouGov measured much stronger support for gay marriage when people were asked the same questions, and a majority of Americans backed it at the time.
So, in other words, things are now so bad that Democrats are even losing ground on an issue that they thought was settled. You know, they viewed gay marriage as a stepping stone to gender ideology without realizing that the insanity of gender ideology would eventually make people take a closer look at all of the steps that got us there. And that was a major tactical error for Democrats. You know? If they had achieved the legalization, the nationwide acceptance of quote, unquote gay marriage, and just stopped there, you know, it — they'd probably be fine. In fact, they might still be in the White House right now. But they can't stop. Progressivism must always progress like cancer progresses in the same kind of way, they can't stop. They keep going. And eventually, it wakes people up to, you know, the reality of the slippery slope. You know, because when it comes to — and when it comes to the culture war, what we're discovering is that even if you think that, well, this argument is settled, no argument is ever really settled.
You know, people on our side — conservatives for years thought that the marriage debate was over, that we lost, there's nothing we can do about it. But that's not really true. It's never over. After all, the the quote, unquote traditional definition of marriage, which is to say the actual definition of marriage, was settled for thousands of years until it wasn't. The reality is that just as quickly as America was overtaken by the moral panic of BLM and the emotional blackmail of trans activists, we can return to some semblance of sanity. You know, it doesn't take much.
What conservatives need to do as quickly as possible is to capitalize on Democrats' weakness, start passing laws that reverse the derangement that's been so dominant for so long. And if conservatives do that, they might be able to drag more concessions out of Democrats than we ever thought possible.