Daily Wire's Matt Walsh: “There needs to be an all-out war at this point against activist judges”
From the March 19, 2025, edition of The Daily Wire's The Matt Walsh Show
MATT WALSH (HOST): These judges are not the president, which means there must be some powers that the president has that the judges don't. Because if there's nothing, if the judges can just override anything Trump does with the stroke of a pen, then the judges are the — they're all the president altogether. Each each federal judge is the president. The branches of government — now for all these leftists who are going on about constitutional crisis, like, what do you know about the Constitution? And since when did you give a damn about it anyway? But you know what the Constitution says? The Constitution says that the branches of government are coequal, separate but equal. Have you heard about that phrase? You know, it's very, very — hopefully you learn that in in civics and grade school. Which means that judges cannot supersede the president in every case. None of these people were voted into office to set policy. None of these people were voted into office at all. These are unelected judges trying to override, not just the president, but the will of the people.
The people voted for Trump so that he would put policies like this in place. Yes. Even the trans ban in the military. Trump put that in place in his first term. People that voted for him knew that. You know, when you vote for a guy who was already in office once, what you're saying — what your message is, yeah, I'd like more of that. So I want him to continue doing what he was — I might want him to do other things as well, but I approve of of how he governed, and I'd like to have more of that, please. That's what the voters are saying.
So you have the president as the commander-in-chief. You have the voters who put him into — who elected him to set these policies, and then some unelected random federal judge can just come along and say, nope. Sorry. You can't do any of that. You know why you can't do it? Because I personally don't like it. I'm a judge. I personally think that it's bad, and so I — you can't do it.
Now these judges are illegitimate at this point. They're trying to upend the Constitution and our entire system system of government. Trump should ignore them. Ignore all of them. I mean, ignore this woman and her — enforce the ban anyway. So you say to her, oh, you think we should not ban trans — well, OK. I'm glad, thanks for sharing. Thanks for letting us know. Your opinion is very interesting, but we're gonna go ahead and do what we want to do anyway.
There needs to be an all-out war at this point against activist judges. And what does that war look like? Well, it begins with this — by just ignoring them. Drawing a line in the sand and saying, OK. The judges have certain powers, certain responsibilities, a certain jurisdiction, but their powers and jurisdiction do not encompass everything. OK. The — if we're gonna delineate what their powers are, it cannot be — the delineation is not, oh, they can do everything. That's not it. And so you draw the line and you say, well, here's what judges are allowed to do. Anything over that line, we are not going to listen to. We are just going to ignore it.
And where does it go from there? What's the next — what happens next? I don't know exactly. I mean, eventually, this ends up at the Supreme Court, but which is — so Trump's hand is forced here. That's where this needs to end up. But, in the meantime, I think you gotta draw this line and, and make it very clear.