The Daily Wire's Matt Walsh: “Trans people don't exist”
From the November 17, 2022, edition of The Daily Wire's The Matt Walsh Show
MATT WALSH (HOST): We all agree that there are people in the country who identify themselves as trans. So those people certainly exist. There are people who are walking around and saying, I am transgender. Yes, we all agree. That's not a figment of our imagination, we're not hallucinating it. We all agree that's the case, that those people exist.
However, the question is whether the claim that they're making about themselves is true. And then the second question is related to the first: Is it actually possible for a person to be transgender? Is that a valid, a legitimate, a coherent kind of human identity? Transgender, trans – it means beyond gender. You're beyond it or something. You're something past it, beyond it. Is it possible to be that? The answer is no. No one is beyond it because we're human beings and there are two options, male and female, and nobody exists beyond that.
So, in that sense – if that's the sense that you mean, that in that sense trans people don't exist in the sense that there are no people who actually exist beyond the gender binary because the gender binary's real and we all are in it, on one side or the other. And yet, the people who are confused about this, yes, they certainly do exist. If they didn't, then we wouldn't be having this conversation.