Matt Walsh: “Everybody promoting decolonization wants to murder civilians”
Walsh: “When they call you a colonizer, you should tell them, you’re welcome. And then you should prepare to defend yourself.”
From the October 11, 2023, edition of The Daily Wire's The Matt Walsh Show
MATT WALSH (HOST): And, of course, we aren't colonizers just because we happen to live in the United States. But, also, we never should have accepted the premise that colonization is some sort of inherently bad evil thing. It's actually a ludicrous premise. No matter what leftists meant when they say that, you know, they want to decolonize the West, the right should have opposed it on principle. That's because colonization, historically, has been a force for good throughout the world. It was the process of introducing the rule of law, public health, human dignity to certainly this entire hemisphere that we're currently living on.
As we've talked about earlier in the week, before colonization, the natives were ripping the hearts out of children as offerings to their sun gods. And, of course, when I say natives -- I say that term, but the tribes that lived on this continent when the conquistadors arrived were themselves not native to this continent. They came here and killed whoever was there first. But, in any event, conquering them was the right decision for all of humanity. And it's just beyond dispute that we are all living much better lives now because of it. That's what colonization means in practical terms – it means you're doing a lot better now than you would have if colonization had never occurred, and that's pretty clear.
And after the massacres in Israel this week and the shameful and brazen response from many corners of the left, no serious person could dispute what decolonization means either. It refers to a genocidal ideology that we have let fester for far too long. And, at this point, the stakes are obvious. Everybody promoting decolonization wants to murder civilians, not just in Israel, but in every civilized country on the planet. Don't ignore what they're saying. Understand that they are your enemy and the enemy of all civilized people. And that's why when they call you a colonizer, you should tell them, you're welcome. And then you should prepare to defend yourself.