Matt Walsh: “I would support a full-scale military invasion of Mexico to destroy all the cartels”
Walsh: “We could do it. What are they going to do about it?”
From the August 28, 2024, edition of The Daily Wire's The Matt Walsh Show
MATT WALSH (HOST): Why not drop a bomb on the drug cartels? Out of all the bombing that we do all the time and have done for the last 30 years, why don't we bomb the foreign criminal organizations that are poisoning and killing thousands of Americans a year? They are actually killing thousands of American citizens every single year. The drug cartels have killed more Americans, by far, than every, you know, Arab terrorist organization combined times, like, a thousand. I don't know. So, you know, I could sooner justify that military operation than I could justify anything we're doing overseas or anything we have done overseas for the last 30 years because this would be a military operation expressly and directly designed to defend American lives. It would not be done for the sake of any foreign country. It's not done for our allies — quote, unquote — but for us, for our people, for our country. Basically, we're going to go and kill the bad guys. And why are we killing the bad guys? Well, because they're killing Americans, and so we're going to kill them. I don't know. That sounds like a great idea.
I mean, I am as reflexively non-interventionist as they come, but I would wholly support a — I would support a full-scale military invasion of Mexico to destroy all the cartels. We could do it. What are they going to do about it? You know, it's not like we haven't given them time to figure out this problem. Thousands of Americans are dying every single year. I think we're more than justified to say, you know what, we've had enough of this. We're going to go in and we're just going to kill these people. We're going to wipe them from the face of the Earth, and that's going to be it. But we don't even need to do a full-scale — I mean, you could use drones. You could do the whole job with drones. Has there ever been a drone strike — a single drone strike — on a single cartel boss or drug cartel ever? Why not?