Matt Walsh: “Jesus did not abide by the tenets of diversity, equity, and inclusion”
Walsh: “The existence of female pastors is already a heresy”
From the September 4, 2024, edition of The Daily Wire's The Matt Walsh Show
MATT WALSH (HOST): Now on one level, it's no surprise to hear abject heresy from a female pastor. The existence of female pastors is already a heresy. Scripture is very clear on that point. Saint Paul stated it explicitly throughout his letters and he wasn't exactly gentle or subtle about it. You know, in First Corinthians chapter 14, he tells women to keep silent, quote unquote in the church. And this is a theme that he returns to in other letters, which means that a church with a female pastor must at the outset eject Saint Paul from the biblical canon entirely. You cannot keep both Paul and your female pastor. And that is to say, you cannot keep the Bible because once you start stripping the parts out of it that you don't like, what you're left with at the end of that process is not the Bible, it's some butchered husk of what was once the Bible. It is the gospel according to you. It is a religion that you have invented for yourself. Now we should note, by the way, that Saint Paul is not the only reference point on, this issue. Jesus Christ himself chose 12 apostles. They were all men. Jesus did not abide by the tenets of diversity, equity, and inclusion when selecting apostles or when doing anything else. He selected only men.