Matt Walsh: “Nikki Haley is not really brown”
Walsh: “The claim that she as someone who barely even qualifies as brown was teased on a daily basis her entire childhood because of her brownness is just impossible to believe. If it was true, I would say it's not the worst thing in the world.”
From the January 22, 2024, edition of The Daily Wire's The Matt Walsh Show
MATT WALSH (HOST): First of all, just to address the elephant in the room here, Nikki Haley is not really brown, or, at least, if she is brown, she's a very light shade of it. Technically, we're all shades of brown from a color spectrum perspective. I've never seeing a literal white person. Like, there are no people with skin pigment the same shade as a sheet of computer paper. So, if Nikki Haley's brown, she's only brown in the sense that any white person is brown. I'm not doubting that Haley's family is really from India. They are. But the point is that if she doesn't tell you she's brown, you would never know. In fact, like most people, I didn't find out until this election cycle that Haley is Indian. And when I found out, like most people, I said, what? Nikki Haley isn't white? And I had to go check Wikipedia, and sure enough, like, oh, she's from -- her family's from India. I had no idea. All that to say her stories of anti-brown persecution strain credulity from the start.
What I can say for sure, though, is that there is simply no way Nikki Haley was teased every day for being brown as she claims. I've never heard anyone being teased for being brown ever in my entire life. I'm sure it's happened at various points in American history, but the claim that she as someone who barely even qualifies as brown was teased on a daily basis her entire childhood because of her brownness is just impossible to believe. If it was true, I would say it's not the worst thing in the world. Like, every kid is gonna be teased for something. And if they choose your maybe very slightly darker skin tone as the subject of ridicule, that's not too terrible, all things considered. I mean, it's better than being called ugly or fat or a loser or whatever. Every kid gets picked on by someone for something. It's an unfortunate reality of growing up, especially in the school system. And none of it should be happening. No one should be getting teased because they have brown skin, if that's even happening. I don't even know what that would sound like. But, of all the things you could be teased for, I'm not sure why that would be any worse than any of the other horrible things that kids are saying to each other.