Matt Walsh: “Nonwhite countries are by far more racist than white ones”
Walsh: “When they say nonracist country, they mean nonwhite country”
From the January 4, 2023, edition of The Daily Wire's The Matt Walsh Show
MATT WALSH (HOST): Now, of course, in reality, a nonracist society is impossible. OK? A society without racism -- that's like talking about a society without anger or a society without hatred or a society without sadness. You know, that only exists in crappy John Lennon lyrics. In reality, we will always have all of those things to some extent, and that will always exist in any human society. But, in fact, you know, we already came about as close to being a nonracist society as any society could ever reasonably expect to come. We were never nonracist completely. Again, no human society ever will be, but I think we came about as close as you can come. I'd say America from about 1995 to 2008 was not nonracist completely. You know, there's racism among all races of people and -- but it was the most nonracist society that has ever existed on Earth. I mean, like, easily. I don't even -- there's not even a close second.
So, we got as close to the nonracist utopia as you could possibly get, although you can never get all the way there. And that is until Barack Obama got into office and set to work to deliberately provoke racial tension and get the tribalism, you know, going again and setting back race relations by about a century. And -- and he did it on purpose. This was all intentional. But before that, for, you know, before what certainly has already gone down as the most disastrous presidency in American history -- which will be, if it's topped by anyone, it would only be by Biden, but I think even Biden can't -- probably can't beat that. But before that, for about a decade before that, you know, that was about as good as it's ever going to get racially in this country or any country.
But that's not what they're talking about when they say nonracist country. For them -- and this is why they won't spell it out -- for them, a nonracist country is a country without white people. That's what they mean. So when they say nonracist country, they mean nonwhite country. So get rid of the white people, and then you'll have a society without racism. Which is nonsense, of course. Like, nonwhite countries are by far more racist than white ones. And, I mean, that's undeniable. But that's what they're talking about. That's what they mean.