Matt Walsh says immigrants “come from decaying, dying, dead, nonexistent civilizations without the skills to build a civilization”
From the March 11, 2024, edition of The Daily Wire's The Matt Walsh Show
MATT WALSH (HOST): But, you know, when you phrase it as directly and bluntly as Trump did, this stuff about them building the country kind of fades away. Because they know -- the answer to the question, why do we need more Haitians? The answer is we don't. Like, obviously, we don't. OK? There's -- you know, you're not gonna look around the country right now and look at any problem that we're facing and say, you know what would solve that problem? More immigrants from Haiti. No one's saying that. Name me one problem in this country that could be solved by importing, you know, a thousand more Haitians. You can't. And that's the point that Donald Trump was making. And, actually, that question, why do we need them? That's a -- that is the question that every American leader should be asking themselves when it comes to immigration. Because the most important thing is our needs as Americans. And if you're an American political leader, you should be focused on what we need first, not what Haiti needs. OK? Not what Guatemala needs, but what we need. And if there are people in Haiti who need us, but we don't need them, in this country, that is, then that -- that is the first consideration that has to be thought of. Because you're supposed to be a leader of our country, of our country, and you're supposed to have our needs first.
So what they'll try to do is they'll go historic. Right? They'll go -- they'll make the historical argument. And they'll say that, well, you know, American and European pioneers, they were illegal immigrants, and they built the country. Well, for one thing, you can't illegally migrate into a country that doesn't exist. And when they came here, the American and European settlers and pioneers, there was no country. This was an untamed wilderness dotted with warring primitive tribes who never established any country or civilization of their own. The pioneers didn't break the law coming here because there were no laws. And for another thing, when they came here, they did proceed to build civilization. They established through their own sweat and blood and toil the foundation of the world we live in today. That is not the case for modern illegals. They aren't building this, our civilization. They aren't establishing it. It's already -- that's already happened. They aren't pioneers forging ahead into the great unknown to build a civilization from scratch. They would have no idea how to build a civilization. If they could, they'd stay in their own countries and build those countries. That's the other point here.
Like, the American -- the early pioneers and settlers in this country came from civilization, from a thriving and functioning civilization. They came here, and they built a new one. Where, as now, the illegal immigrants, and many of the legal ones, come from decaying, dying, dead, nonexistent civilizations without the skills to build a civilization. Because if they -- because that's the whole reason why the civil -- their country that they're leaving, that's the whole reason it has fallen apart is because the people there don't know how to build a country and maintain it. They don't have those skills. If they did, again, they would stay there and do it. And they flee their own nation because they'd rather come here than do the work of making their own countries prosperous, which, you know, is just a -- it's just a factual observation.