Matt Walsh: “Societally, the effects of cigarettes are actually pretty positive”
Walsh: “You go back to, like, the forties, everyone smoking cigarettes. Everywhere you go, just everything smells like cigarettes. And back then, we were a highly productive country.”
From the November 20, 2023, edition of The Daily Wire's The Matt Walsh Show
MATT WALSH (HOST): Say whatever you want about, say, cigarettes, two things cannot be denied. One, tobacco helped build this country. OK? We would not have a country without tobacco. Without a tobacco plant, this country doesn't exist. So it has been crucial, central to this country from its foundation. The same cannot be said for marijuana. Tobacco is as American as apple pie. It is. You know, you don't have to like it, but it is. Second, I would much, much rather live in a society filled with people who are on nicotine over people who are stoned. Nicotine makes you more alert, more productive. Weed does not have that effect. OK? Like, back when everyone smoked cigarettes everywhere -- you go back to, like, the forties, everyone smoking cigarettes. Everywhere you go, just everything smells like cigarettes. And back then, we were a highly productive country. We have never been more productive. That's back when we were building skyscrapers and winning world wars and going to the moon and stuff. Now, I'm not saying all that happened because of cigarettes. I'm just saying that societally, the effects of cigarettes are actually pretty positive, and same is not true of weed. Okay. Like, does anyone really wanna deny that? Take a city, have everyone smoke cigarettes. They're all -- dose themselves with nicotine. Have another city, everyone's stoned. Which city do you think -- which one would you rather live in? Like, which one do you think is gonna be more productive?