From the February 14, 2020, edition of Fox News' Hannity
SEAN HANNITY (HOST): First, I have to admit the McCabe news on the declination for prosecution is frustrating, especially when the IG had identified four separate incidents of lack of candor. That means lying. Seems, as I said last night, only conservatives, they seem to get punished for that in today's America. Now, what we know is this is the single biggest abuse of power scandal, corruption scandal in modern American history, and it is playing out before our very eyes. We now see that the corruption at the highest levels of government, what we have been talking about, unequal justice, a lack of equal application of our laws, equal justice under the law -- a two-tiered justice system operated by a group of, again, the 1% lawless, vindictive, evil government officials. All of this is on the line in this country and it matters how it turns out.