From the March 31, 2020, edition of Fox News' Hannity
SEAN HANNITY (HOST): Let me ask you. I like you. I have read and read and read, and I'm not a doctor. I'm not going to play one on TV.
But while we're working on a vaccine in record time. We don't sequence viruses as quickly as we did here. What was it, six weeks? Amazing. But hydrochloroquine along with azithromycin and maybe zinc has shown everywhere I read, tremendous, tremendous opportunities to treat people to prevent death. I want to see more of that. Novartis has said they will -- they will now produce and give Americans 130 million doses. The Israelis have already donated 6 million. They are about to donate 4 million more. Bayer is also producing it.
What frustrates me is the worst place from my perspective to be now is in a hospital. And to get a prescription in New York, you now have to go to the hospital. That has -- that executive order to me has to be lifted. Do you agree or disagree?
DR. MEHMET OZ: I agree. I suspect there were concerns for the folks with rheumatoid arthritis and lupus who are dependent on chloroquine and couldn't get it, theoretically, people are hoarding it. And I think that was why Gov. [Andrew] Cuomo passed that law, to prevent people from taking it and just putting in their cupboard, just in case.
I have more confidence in Americans than that, and especially as we backfill, as you mentioned, with all these great companies donating some of the products. It's an inexpensive old malaria drug. We'll have enough of it eventually. We ought to lift that ban and let patients -- I have a close friend who's in New York City, doctors say, I give to you but you can't find it, and they're right. And so, you’ve sort of stopped the whole process.
Once again, it's not FDA-approved for this purpose. It's approved for other purposes. But the vice president said he was pleased to have the FDA allowed to be used by physicians, not getting in the way, in other words. Many doctors are prescribing it. Until we get the randomized clinical data which I'm hoping we'll have over the next few months, we're not going to know for sure.
But I'll tell you, Sean, there are centers all over the world, in France and in China, who are researching this actively as we are in America. You're going to see more publications, and we're going to find out whether it really works or not.