From the July 30, 2020, edition of Premiere Networks’ The Rush Limbaugh Show
RUSH LIMBAUGH (HOST): But what this is — it's not hard if you understand Trump, as I do. I may be — I may be the single most qualified media person to explain Donald Trump to people that don't get him, and to people who have made no effort to get him.
What this is is a play. Trump is playing off Obama worried about voter suppression and fearing that Trump might question the legitimacy of the election. It's only a common sense thing to do, after everything the Democrats have done for four years. Then you add in this universal mail-in voting.
But it's a play off — you know, the left is saying, “We can't start school until we have a vaccine. We can't go back to work until COVID runs its course.” The left is presenting impossible alternatives out there.
The left is using these false-choice narratives as an effort to dispirit you, to depress you, to think that there's no reason to even hope we can get back to some state of normalcy or the way things used to be. “We can't start school until we have a vaccine. We can't go back to work until COVID runs its course.”
Should we delay the election until we get this mail-in ballot thing straightened out? He's just ramming it back down their throats. And predictably, they're going bonkers over him mentioning this delay. And because they've made no effort in four years to even try to understand who Trump is and how he operates and the same thing about his supporters, they're too dumb to realize what he's actually doing here.
So, the left now has to choose one course or the other because this is what they've been presenting to us. They have to choose — delay the election, mail-in voting? Mail-in voting over the wayside, or do we delay the election? This is the choice that he's giving them. He's simply throwing it — it's pushback. He's simply throwing it right back in their faces.