On the August 12, 2020, edition of The Ingraham Angle
MATT SCHLAPP (AMERICAN CONSERVATIVE UNION CHAIRMAN): If you look at the record of Kamala Harris while she's been in the Senate, she had a hostility toward Catholic nominees for the federal bench or other Trump positions like we've really never seen. We're back to the time a hundred years ago when it was "Catholics need not apply."
She asked various Catholic nominees if they knew that the Knights of Columbus was a male-only institution that believed in traditional marriage, that believed in the rights of the unborn, or she characterized it, stood up against the reproductive rights of women. What she is basically saying with these questions is that if you are a person of faith, if you're a devout Catholic, and if you take the dogmas of the church seriously, biblically based, that you're not qualified to sit on the bench. Now, that runs counter to the history of this country and our constitutional order, which says there's no religious test in order to serve in this government. And this is bigotry, these questions were bigoted, and there's no room for it -- and Joe Biden shouldn't just not just go along with this. He should have called this type of bigotry out.